Source code for rocketpy.Function

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__author__ = "Giovani Hidalgo Ceotto, Lucas Kierulff Balabram"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 20XX, RocketPy Team"
__license__ = "MIT"

from inspect import signature

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, linalg

[docs]class Function: """Class converts a python function or a data sequence into an object which can be handled more naturally, enabling easy interpolation, extrapolation, plotting and algebra. """ def __init__( self, source, inputs=["Scalar"], outputs=["Scalar"], interpolation=None, extrapolation=None, ): """Convert source into a Function, to be used more naturally. Set inputs, outputs, domain dimension, interpolation and extrapolation method, and process the source. Parameters ---------- source : function, scalar, ndarray, string The actual function. If type is function, it will be called for evaluation. If type is int or float, it will be treated as a constant function. If ndarray, its points will be used for interpolation. An ndarray should be as [(x0, y0, z0), (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), ...] where x0 and y0 are inputs and z0 is output. If string, imports file named by the string and treats it as csv. The file is converted into ndarray and should not have headers. inputs : string, sequence of strings, optional The name of the inputs of the function. Will be used for representation and graphing (axis names). 'Scalar' is default. If source is function, int or float and has multiple inputs, this parameter must be given for correct operation. outputs : string, sequence of strings, optional The name of the outputs of the function. Will be used for representation and graphing (axis names). Scalar is default. interpolation : string, optional Interpolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. For 1-D functions, linear, polynomial, akima and spline are supported. For N-D functions, only shepard is supported. Default for 1-D functions is spline. extrapolation : string, optional Extrapolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. Options are 'natural', which keeps interpolation, 'constant', which returns the value of the function at the edge of the interval, and 'zero', which returns zero for all points outside of source range. Default for 1-D functions is constant. Returns ------- None """ # Set input and output self.setInputs(inputs) self.setOutputs(outputs) # Save interpolation method self.__interpolation__ = interpolation self.__extrapolation__ = extrapolation # Initialize last_interval self.last_interval = 0 # Set source self.setSource(source) # Return return None # Define all set methods
[docs] def setInputs(self, inputs): """Set the name and number of the incoming arguments of the Function. Parameters ---------- inputs : string, sequence of strings The name of the parameters (inputs) of the Function. Returns ------- self : Function """ self.__inputs__ = [inputs] if isinstance(inputs, str) else list(inputs) self.__domDim__ = len(self.__inputs__) return self
[docs] def setOutputs(self, outputs): """Set the name and number of the output of the Function. Parameters ---------- outputs : string, sequence of strings The name of the output of the function. Example: Distance (m). Returns ------- self : Function """ self.__outputs__ = [outputs] if isinstance(outputs, str) else list(outputs) self.__imgDim__ = len(self.__outputs__) return self
[docs] def setSource(self, source): """Set the source which defines the output of the function giving a certain input. Parameters ---------- source : function, scalar, ndarray, string The actual function. If type is function, it will be called for evaluation. If type is int or float, it will be treated as a constant function. If ndarray, its points will be used for interpolation. An ndarray should be as [(x0, y0, z0), (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), ...] where x0 and y0 are inputs and z0 is output. If string, imports file named by the string and treats it as csv. The file is converted into ndarray and should not have headers. Returns ------- self : Function """ # Import CSV if source is a string and convert values to ndarray if isinstance(source, str): # Read file and check for headers f = open(source, "r") firstLine = f.readline() # If headers are found... if firstLine[0] in ['"', "'"]: # Headers available firstLine = firstLine.replace('"', " ").replace("'", " ") firstLine = firstLine.split(" , ") self.setInputs(firstLine[0]) self.setOutputs(firstLine[1:]) source = np.loadtxt(source, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, dtype=float) # if headers are not found else: source = np.loadtxt(source, delimiter=",", dtype=float) # Convert to ndarray if source is a list if isinstance(source, (list, tuple)): source = np.array(source, dtype=np.float64) # Convert number source into vectorized lambda function if isinstance(source, (int, float)): temp = 1 * source def source(x): return 0 * x + temp # Handle callable source or number source if callable(source): # Set source self.source = source # Set geValueOpt2 self.getValueOpt = source # Set arguments name and domain dimensions parameters = signature(source).parameters self.__domDim__ = len(parameters) if self.__inputs__ == ["Scalar"]: self.__inputs__ = list(parameters) # Set interpolation and extrapolation self.__interpolation__ = None self.__extrapolation__ = None # Handle ndarray source else: # Check to see if dimensions match incoming data set newTotalDim = len(source[0, :]) oldTotalDim = self.__domDim__ + self.__imgDim__ dV = self.__inputs__ == ["Scalar"] and self.__outputs__ == ["Scalar"] # If they don't, update default values or throw error if newTotalDim != oldTotalDim: if dV: # Update dimensions and inputs self.__domDim__ = newTotalDim - 1 self.__inputs__ = self.__domDim__ * self.__inputs__ else: # User has made a mistake inputting inputs and outputs print("Error in input and output dimensions!") return None # Do things if domDim is 1 if self.__domDim__ == 1: source = source[source[:, 0].argsort()] # Finally set data source as source self.source = source # Set default interpolation for point source if it hasn't if self.__interpolation__ is None: self.setInterpolation() else: # Updates interpolation coefficients self.setInterpolation(self.__interpolation__) # Do things if function is multivariate else: # Finally set data source as source self.source = source if self.__interpolation__ is None: self.setInterpolation("shepard") # Update extrapolation method if self.__extrapolation__ is None: self.setExtrapolation() # Return self return self
[docs] def setInterpolation(self, method="spline"): """Set interpolation method and process data is method requires. Parameters ---------- method : string, optional Interpolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. For 1-D functions, linear, polynomial, akima and spline is supported. For N-D functions, only shepard is supported. Default is 'spline'. Returns ------- self : Function """ # Set interpolation method self.__interpolation__ = method # Spline, akima and polynomial need data processing # Shepard, and linear do not if method == "spline": self.__interpolateSpline__() elif method == "polynomial": self.__interpolatePolynomial__() elif method == "akima": self.__interpolateAkima__() # Set geValueOpt self.setGetValueOpt() # Returns self return self
[docs] def setExtrapolation(self, method="constant"): """Set extrapolation behavior of data set. Parameters ---------- extrapolation : string, optional Extrapolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. Options are 'natural', which keeps interpolation, 'constant', which returns the value of the function at the edge of the interval, and 'zero', which returns zero for all points outside of source range. Default is 'zero'. Returns ------- self : Function """ # Set extrapolation method self.__extrapolation__ = method # Return self return self
[docs] def setGetValueOpt(self): """Crates a method that evaluates interpolations rather quickly when compared to other options available, such as just calling the object instance or calling self.getValue directly. See Function.getValueOpt for documentation. Returns ------- self : Function """ # Retrieve general info xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": extrapolation = 0 # Extrapolation is zero elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": extrapolation = 1 # Extrapolation is natural else: extrapolation = 2 # Extrapolation is constant # Crete method to interpolate this info for each interpolation type if self.__interpolation__ == "spline": coeffs = self.__splineCoefficients__ def getValueOpt(x): xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate xInterval = xInterval if xInterval != 0 else 1 a = coeffs[:, xInterval - 1] x = x - xData[xInterval - 1] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural a = coeffs[:, 0] if x < xmin else coeffs[:, -1] x = x - xData[0] if x < xmin else x - xData[-2] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y self.getValueOpt = getValueOpt elif self.__interpolation__ == "linear": def getValueOpt(x): xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) y = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[xInterval - 1] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural xInterval = 1 if x < xmin else -1 dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) y = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[ xInterval - 1 ] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y self.getValueOpt = getValueOpt elif self.__interpolation__ == "akima": coeffs = np.array(self.__akimaCoefficients__) def getValueOpt(x): xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate xInterval = xInterval if xInterval != 0 else 1 a = coeffs[4 * xInterval - 4 : 4 * xInterval] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural a = coeffs[:4] if x < xmin else coeffs[-4:] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y self.getValueOpt = getValueOpt elif self.__interpolation__ == "polynomial": coeffs = self.__polynomialCoefficients__ def getValueOpt(x): # Interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate y = 0 for i in range(len(coeffs)): y += coeffs[i] * (x**i) else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural y = 0 for i in range(len(coeffs)): y += coeffs[i] * (x**i) else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y self.getValueOpt = getValueOpt elif self.__interpolation__ == "shepard": xData = self.source[:, 0:-1] # Support for N-Dimensions len_yData = len(yData) # A little speed up def getValueOpt(*args): x = np.array([[float(x) for x in list(args)]]) numeratorSum = 0 denominatorSum = 0 for i in range(len_yData): sub = xData[i] - x distance = np.linalg.norm(sub) if distance == 0: numeratorSum = yData[i] denominatorSum = 1 break else: weight = distance ** (-3) numeratorSum = numeratorSum + yData[i] * weight denominatorSum = denominatorSum + weight return numeratorSum / denominatorSum self.getValueOpt = getValueOpt # Returns self return self
[docs] def setDiscrete( self, lower=0, upper=10, samples=200, interpolation="spline", extrapolation="constant", oneByOne=True, ): """This method transforms function defined Functions into list defined Functions. It evaluates the function at certain points (sampling range) and stores the results in a list, which is converted into a Function and then returned. The original Function object is replaced by the new one. Parameters ---------- lower : scalar, optional Value where sampling range will start. Default is 0. upper : scalar, optional Value where sampling range will end. Default is 10. samples : int, optional Number of samples to be taken from inside range. Default is 200. interpolation : string Interpolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. For 1-D functions, linear, polynomial, akima and spline is supported. For N-D functions, only shepard is supported. Default is 'spline'. extrapolation : string, optional Extrapolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. Options are 'natural', which keeps interpolation, 'constant', which returns the value of the function at the edge of the interval, and 'zero', which returns zero for all points outside of source range. Default is 'constant'. oneByOne : boolean, optional If True, evaluate Function in each sample point separately. If False, evaluates Function in vectorized form. Default is True. Returns ------- self : Function """ if self.__domDim__ == 1: Xs = np.linspace(lower, upper, samples) Ys = self.getValue(Xs.tolist()) if oneByOne else self.getValue(Xs) self.source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() self.setInterpolation(interpolation) self.setExtrapolation(extrapolation) elif self.__domDim__ == 2: lower = 2 * [lower] if isinstance(lower, (int, float)) else lower upper = 2 * [upper] if isinstance(upper, (int, float)) else upper sam = 2 * [samples] if isinstance(samples, (int, float)) else samples # Create nodes to evaluate function Xs = np.linspace(lower[0], upper[0], sam[0]) Ys = np.linspace(lower[1], upper[1], sam[1]) Xs, Ys = np.meshgrid(Xs, Ys) Xs, Ys = Xs.flatten(), Ys.flatten() mesh = [[Xs[i], Ys[i]] for i in range(len(Xs))] # Evaluate function at all mesh nodes and convert it to matrix Zs = np.array(self.getValue(mesh)) self.source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys], [Zs])).transpose() self.__interpolation__ = "shepard" return self
[docs] def setDiscreteBasedOnModel(self, modelFunction, oneByOne=True): """This method transforms the domain of Function instance into a list of discrete points based on the domain of a model Function instance. It does so by retrieving the domain, domain name, interpolation method and extrapolation method of the model Function instance. It then evaluates the original Function instance in all points of the retrieved domain to generate the list of discrete points that will be used for interpolation when this Function is called. Parameters ---------- modelFunction : Function Function object that will be used to define the sampling points, interpolation method and extrapolation method. Must be a Function whose source attribute is a list (i.e. a list based Function instance). Must have the same domain dimension as the Function to be discretized. oneByOne : boolean, optional If True, evaluate Function in each sample point separately. If False, evaluates Function in vectorized form. Default is True. Returns ------- self : Function See also -------- Function.setDiscrete Examples -------- This method is particularly useful when algebraic operations are carried out using Function instances defined by different discretized domains (same range, but different mesh size). Once an algebraic operation is done, it will not directly be applied between the list of discrete points of the two Function instances. Instead, the result will be a Function instance defined by a callable that calls both Function instances and performs the operation. This makes the evaluation of the resulting Function inefficient, due to extra function calling overhead and multiple interpolations being carried out. >>> from rocketpy import Function >>> f = Function([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16)]) >>> g = Function([(0, 0), (2, 2), (4, 4)]) >>> h = f * g >>> type(h.source) <class 'function'> Therefore, it is good practice to make sure both Function instances are defined by the same domain, i.e. by the same list of mesh points. This way, the algebraic operation will be carried out directly between the lists of discrete points, generating a new Function instance defined by this result. When it is evaluated, there are no extra function calling overheads neither multiple interpolations. >>> g.setDiscreteBasedOnModel(f) Function from R1 to R1 : (Scalar) → (Scalar) >>> h = f * g >>> h.source array([[ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], [ 2., 8.], [ 3., 27.], [ 4., 64.]]) Notes ----- 1. This method performs in place replacement of the original Function object source. 2. This method is similar to setDiscrete, but it uses the domain of a model Function to define the domain of the new Function instance. """ if not isinstance(modelFunction.source, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("modelFunction must be a list based Function.") if modelFunction.__domDim__ != self.__domDim__: raise ValueError("modelFunction must have the same domain dimension.") if self.__domDim__ == 1: Xs = modelFunction.source[:, 0] Ys = self.getValue(Xs.tolist()) if oneByOne else self.getValue(Xs) self.source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() elif self.__domDim__ == 2: # Create nodes to evaluate function Xs = modelFunction.source[:, 0] Ys = modelFunction.source[:, 1] Xs, Ys = np.meshgrid(Xs, Ys) Xs, Ys = Xs.flatten(), Ys.flatten() mesh = [[Xs[i], Ys[i]] for i in range(len(Xs))] # Evaluate function at all mesh nodes and convert it to matrix Zs = np.array(self.getValue(mesh)) self.source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys], [Zs])).transpose() self.setInterpolation(modelFunction.__interpolation__) self.setExtrapolation(modelFunction.__extrapolation__) return self
[docs] def reset( self, inputs=None, outputs=None, interpolation=None, extrapolation=None, ): """This method allows the user to reset the inputs, outputs, interpolation and extrapolation settings of a Function object, all at once, without having to call each of the corresponding methods. Parameters ---------- inputs : string, sequence of strings, optional List of input variable names. If None, the original inputs are kept. See Function.setInputs for more information. outputs : string, sequence of strings, optional List of output variable names. If None, the original outputs are kept. See Function.setOutputs for more information. interpolation : string, optional Interpolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. See Function.setInterpolation for more information. extrapolation : string, optional Extrapolation method to be used if source type is ndarray. See Function.setExtrapolation for more information. Examples -------- A simple use case is to reset the inputs and outputs of a Function object that has been defined by algebraic manipulation of other Function objects. >>> from rocketpy import Function >>> v = Function(lambda t: (9.8*t**2)/2, inputs='t', outputs='v') >>> mass = 10 # Mass >>> kinetic_energy = mass * v**2 / 2 >>> v.getInputs(), v.getOutputs() (['t'], ['v']) >>> kinetic_energy Function from R1 to R1 : (x) → (Scalar) >>> kinetic_energy.reset(inputs='t', outputs='Kinetic Energy'); Function from R1 to R1 : (t) → (Kinetic Energy) Returns ------- self : Function """ if inputs is not None: self.setInputs(inputs) if outputs is not None: self.setOutputs(outputs) if interpolation is not None and interpolation != self.__interpolation__: self.setInterpolation(interpolation) if extrapolation is not None and extrapolation != self.__extrapolation__: self.setExtrapolation(extrapolation) return self
# Define all get methods
[docs] def getInputs(self): "Return tuple of inputs of the function." return self.__inputs__
[docs] def getOutputs(self): "Return tuple of outputs of the function." return self.__outputs__
[docs] def getSource(self): "Return source list or function of the Function." return self.source
[docs] def getImageDim(self): "Return int describing dimension of the image space of the function." return self.__imgDim__
[docs] def getDomainDim(self): "Return int describing dimension of the domain space of the function." return self.__domDim__
[docs] def getInterpolationMethod(self): "Return string describing interpolation method used." return self.__interpolation__
[docs] def getExtrapolationMethod(self): "Return string describing extrapolation method used." return self.__extrapolation__
[docs] def getValue(self, *args): """This method returns the value of the Function at the specified point. See Function.getValueOpt for a faster, but limited, implementation. Parameters ---------- args : scalar, list Value where the Function is to be evaluated. If the Function is 1-D, only one argument is expected, which may be an int, a float or a list of ints or floats, in which case the Function will be evaluated at all points in the list and a list of floats will be returned. If the function is N-D, N arguments must be given, each one being an scalar or list. Returns ------- ans : scalar, list """ # Return value for Function of function type if callable(self.source): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): if isinstance(args[0][0], (tuple, list)): return [self.source(*arg) for arg in args[0]] else: return [self.source(arg) for arg in args[0]] elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): return self.source(args[0]) else: return self.source(*args) # Returns value for shepard interpolation elif self.__interpolation__ == "shepard": if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): x = list(args[0]) else: x = [[float(x) for x in list(args)]] ans = x xData = self.source[:, 0:-1] yData = self.source[:, -1] for i in range(len(x)): numeratorSum = 0 denominatorSum = 0 for o in range(len(yData)): sub = xData[o] - x[i] distance = ( ** (0.5) # print(xData[o], x[i], distance) if distance == 0: numeratorSum = yData[o] denominatorSum = 1 break else: weight = distance ** (-3) numeratorSum = numeratorSum + yData[o] * weight denominatorSum = denominatorSum + weight ans[i] = numeratorSum / denominatorSum return ans if len(ans) > 1 else ans[0] # Returns value for polynomial interpolation function type elif self.__interpolation__ == "polynomial": if isinstance(args[0], (int, float)): args = [list(args)] x = np.array(args[0]) xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] coeffs = self.__polynomialCoefficients__ A = np.zeros((len(args[0]), coeffs.shape[0])) for i in range(coeffs.shape[0]): A[:, i] = x**i ans = for i in range(len(x)): if not (xmin <= x[i] <= xmax): if self.__extrapolation__ == "constant": ans[i] = yData[0] if x[i] < xmin else yData[-1] elif self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": ans[i] = 0 return ans if len(ans) > 1 else ans[0] # Returns value for spline, akima or linear interpolation function type elif self.__interpolation__ in ["spline", "akima", "linear"]: if isinstance(args[0], (int, float, complex)): args = [list(args)] x = [arg for arg in args[0]] xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] xIntervals = np.searchsorted(xData, x) xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] if self.__interpolation__ == "spline": coeffs = self.__splineCoefficients__ for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] == xmin or x[i] == xmax: x[i] = yData[xIntervals[i]] elif xmin < x[i] < xmax or (self.__extrapolation__ == "natural"): if not xmin < x[i] < xmax: a = coeffs[:, 0] if x[i] < xmin else coeffs[:, -1] x[i] = x[i] - xData[0] if x[i] < xmin else x[i] - xData[-2] else: a = coeffs[:, xIntervals[i] - 1] x[i] = x[i] - xData[xIntervals[i] - 1] x[i] = a[3] * x[i] ** 3 + a[2] * x[i] ** 2 + a[1] * x[i] + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": x[i] = 0 else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x[i] = yData[0] if x[i] < xmin else yData[-1] elif self.__interpolation__ == "linear": for i in range(len(x)): # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate inter = xIntervals[i] if xmin <= x[i] <= xmax: # Interpolate dx = float(xData[inter] - xData[inter - 1]) dy = float(yData[inter] - yData[inter - 1]) x[i] = (x[i] - xData[inter - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[inter - 1] else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": # Extrapolation == zero x[i] = 0 elif ( self.__extrapolation__ == "natural" ): # Extrapolation == natural inter = 1 if x[i] < xmin else -1 dx = float(xData[inter] - xData[inter - 1]) dy = float(yData[inter] - yData[inter - 1]) x[i] = (x[i] - xData[inter - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[ inter - 1 ] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x[i] = yData[0] if x[i] < xmin else yData[-1] else: coeffs = self.__akimaCoefficients__ for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] == xmin or x[i] == xmax: x[i] = yData[xIntervals[i]] elif xmin < x[i] < xmax or (self.__extrapolation__ == "natural"): if not (xmin < x[i] < xmax): a = coeffs[:4] if x[i] < xmin else coeffs[-4:] else: a = coeffs[4 * xIntervals[i] - 4 : 4 * xIntervals[i]] x[i] = a[3] * x[i] ** 3 + a[2] * x[i] ** 2 + a[1] * x[i] + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": x[i] = 0 else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x[i] = yData[0] if x[i] < xmin else yData[-1] if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): return np.array(x) else: return x if len(x) > 1 else x[0]
[docs] def getValueOpt_deprecated(self, *args): """THE CODE BELOW IS HERE FOR DOCUMENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. IT WAS REPLACED FOR ALL INSTANCES BY THE FUNCTION.SETGETVALUEOPT METHOD. This method returns the value of the Function at the specified point in a limited but optimized manner. See Function.getValue for an implementation which allows more kinds of inputs. This method optimizes the Function.getValue method by only implementing function evaluations of single inputs, i.e., it is not vectorized. Furthermore, it actually implements a different method for each interpolation type, eliminating some if statements. Currently supports callables and spline, linear, akima, polynomial and shepard interpolated Function objects. Parameters ---------- args : scalar Value where the Function is to be evaluated. If the Function is 1-D, only one argument is expected, which may be an int or a float If the function is N-D, N arguments must be given, each one being an int or a float. Returns ------- x : scalar """ # Callables if callable(self.source): return self.source(*args) # Interpolated Function # Retrieve general info xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": extrapolation = 0 # Extrapolation is zero elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": extrapolation = 1 # Extrapolation is natural else: extrapolation = 2 # Extrapolation is constant # Interpolate this info for each interpolation type # Spline if self.__interpolation__ == "spline": x = args[0] coeffs = self.__splineCoefficients__ xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate xInterval = xInterval if xInterval != 0 else 1 a = coeffs[:, xInterval - 1] x = x - xData[xInterval - 1] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural a = coeffs[:, 0] if x < xmin else coeffs[:, -1] x = x - xData[0] if x < xmin else x - xData[-2] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y # Linear elif self.__interpolation__ == "linear": x = args[0] xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) y = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[xInterval - 1] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural xInterval = 1 if x < xmin else -1 dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) y = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[xInterval - 1] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y # Akima elif self.__interpolation__ == "akima": x = args[0] coeffs = np.array(self.__akimaCoefficients__) xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) # Interval found... interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate xInterval = xInterval if xInterval != 0 else 1 a = coeffs[4 * xInterval - 4 : 4 * xInterval] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural a = coeffs[:4] if x < xmin else coeffs[-4:] y = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y # Polynomial elif self.__interpolation__ == "polynomial": x = args[0] coeffs = self.__polynomialCoefficients__ # Interpolate... or extrapolate if xmin <= x <= xmax: # Interpolate y = 0 for i in range(len(coeffs)): y += coeffs[i] * (x**i) else: # Extrapolate if extrapolation == 0: # Extrapolation == zero y = 0 elif extrapolation == 1: # Extrapolation == natural y = 0 for i in range(len(coeffs)): y += coeffs[i] * (x**i) else: # Extrapolation is set to constant y = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return y # Shepard elif self.__interpolation__ == "shepard": xData = self.source[:, 0:-1] # Support for N-Dimensions len_yData = len(yData) # A little speed up x = np.array([[float(x) for x in list(args)]]) numeratorSum = 0 denominatorSum = 0 for i in range(len_yData): sub = xData[i] - x distance = np.linalg.norm(sub) if distance == 0: numeratorSum = yData[i] denominatorSum = 1 break else: weight = distance ** (-3) numeratorSum = numeratorSum + yData[i] * weight denominatorSum = denominatorSum + weight return numeratorSum / denominatorSum
[docs] def getValueOpt2(self, *args): """DEPRECATED!! - See Function.getValueOpt for new version. This method returns the value of the Function at the specified point in a limited but optimized manner. See Function.getValue for an implementation which allows more kinds of inputs. This method optimizes the Function.getValue method by only implementing function evaluations of single inputs, i.e., it is not vectorized. Furthermore, it actually implements a different method for each interpolation type, eliminating some if statements. Finally, it uses Numba to compile the methods, which further optimizes the implementation. The code below is here for documentation purposes only. It is overwritten for all instances by the Function.setGetValuteOpt2 method. Parameters ---------- args : scalar Value where the Function is to be evaluated. If the Function is 1-D, only one argument is expected, which may be an int or a float If the function is N-D, N arguments must be given, each one being an int or a float. Returns ------- x : scalar """ # Returns value for function function type if callable(self.source): return self.source(*args) # Returns value for spline, akima or linear interpolation function type elif self.__interpolation__ in ["spline", "akima", "linear"]: x = args[0] xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] # Hunt in intervals near the last interval which was used. xInterval = self.last_interval if xData[xInterval - 1] <= x <= xData[xInterval]: pass else: xInterval = np.searchsorted(xData, x) self.last_interval = xInterval if xInterval < len(xData) else 0 # Interval found... keep going xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] if self.__interpolation__ == "spline": coeffs = self.__splineCoefficients__ if x == xmin or x == xmax: x = yData[xInterval] elif xmin < x < xmax or (self.__extrapolation__ == "natural"): if not xmin < x < xmax: a = coeffs[:, 0] if x < xmin else coeffs[:, -1] x = x - xData[0] if x < xmin else x - xData[-2] else: a = coeffs[:, xInterval - 1] x = x - xData[xInterval - 1] x = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": x = 0 else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] elif self.__interpolation__ == "linear": if x == xmin or x == xmax: x = yData[xInterval] elif xmin < x < xmax or (self.__extrapolation__ == "natural"): dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) x = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + yData[xInterval - 1] elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": y0 = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] xInterval = 1 if x < xmin else -1 dx = float(xData[xInterval] - xData[xInterval - 1]) dy = float(yData[xInterval] - yData[xInterval - 1]) x = (x - xData[xInterval - 1]) * (dy / dx) + y0 else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": x = 0 else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] else: if self.__interpolation__ == "akima": coeffs = self.__akimaCoefficients__ if x == xmin or x == xmax: x = yData[xInterval] elif xmin < x < xmax: a = coeffs[4 * xInterval - 4 : 4 * xInterval] x = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": a = coeffs[:4] if x < xmin else coeffs[-4:] x = a[3] * x**3 + a[2] * x**2 + a[1] * x + a[0] else: # Extrapolate if self.__extrapolation__ == "zero": x = 0 else: # Extrapolation is set to constant x = yData[0] if x < xmin else yData[-1] return x
def __getitem__(self, args): """Returns item of the Function source. If the source is not an array, an error will result. Parameters ---------- args : int, float Index of the item to be retrieved. Returns ------- self.source[args] : float, array Item specified from Function.source. """ return self.source[args] def __len__(self): """Returns length of the Function source. If the source is not an array, an error will result. Returns ------- len(self.source) : int Length of Function.source. """ return len(self.source) # Define all conversion methods
[docs] def toFrequencyDomain(self, lower, upper, samplingFrequency, removeDC=True): """Performs the conversion of the Function to the Frequency Domain and returns the result. This is done by taking the Fourier transform of the Function. The resulting frequency domain is symmetric, i.e., the negative frequencies are included as well. Parameters ---------- lower : float Lower bound of the time range. upper : float Upper bound of the time range. samplingFrequency : float Sampling frequency at which to perform the Fourier transform. removeDC : bool, optional If True, the DC component is removed from the Fourier transform. Returns ------- Function The Function in the frequency domain. Examples -------- >>> from rocketpy import Function >>> import numpy as np >>> mainFrequency = 10 # Hz >>> time = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) >>> signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * mainFrequency * time) >>> timeDomain = Function(np.array([time, signal]).T) >>> frequencyDomain = timeDomain.toFrequencyDomain(lower=0, upper=10, samplingFrequency=100) >>> peakFrequenciesIndex = np.where(frequencyDomain[:, 1] > 0.001) >>> peakFrequencies = frequencyDomain[peakFrequenciesIndex, 0] >>> print(peakFrequencies) [[-10. 10.]] """ # Get the time domain data samplingTimeStep = 1.0 / samplingFrequency samplingRange = np.arange(lower, upper, samplingTimeStep) numberOfSamples = len(samplingRange) sampledPoints = self(samplingRange) if removeDC: sampledPoints -= np.mean(sampledPoints) FourierAmplitude = np.abs(np.fft.fft(sampledPoints) / (numberOfSamples / 2)) FourierFrequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(numberOfSamples, samplingTimeStep) return Function( source=np.array([FourierFrequencies, FourierAmplitude]).T, inputs="Frequency (Hz)", outputs="Amplitude", interpolation="linear", extrapolation="zero", )
# Define all presentation methods def __call__(self, *args): """Plot the Function if no argument is given. If an argument is given, return the value of the function at the desired point. Parameters ---------- args : scalar, list, optional Value where the Function is to be evaluated. If the Function is 1-D, only one argument is expected, which may be an int, a float or a list of ints or floats, in which case the Function will be evaluated at all points in the list and a list of floats will be returned. If the function is N-D, N arguments must be given, each one being an scalar or list. Returns ------- ans : None, scalar, list """ if len(args) == 0: return self.plot() else: return self.getValue(*args) def __str__(self): "Return a string representation of the Function" return ( "Function from R" + str(self.__domDim__) + " to R" + str(self.__imgDim__) + " : (" + ", ".join(self.__inputs__) + ") → (" + ", ".join(self.__outputs__) + ")" ) def __repr__(self): "Return a string representation of the Function" return ( "Function from R" + str(self.__domDim__) + " to R" + str(self.__imgDim__) + " : (" + ", ".join(self.__inputs__) + ") → (" + ", ".join(self.__outputs__) + ")" )
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call Function.plot1D if Function is 1-Dimensional or call Function.plot2D if Function is 2-Dimensional and forward arguments and key-word arguments.""" if isinstance(self, list): # Compare multiple plots Function.comparePlots(self) else: if self.__domDim__ == 1: self.plot1D(*args, **kwargs) elif self.__domDim__ == 2: self.plot2D(*args, **kwargs) else: print("Error: Only functions with 1D or 2D domains are plottable!")
[docs] def plot1D( self, lower=None, upper=None, samples=1000, forceData=False, forcePoints=False, returnObject=False, ): """Plot 1-Dimensional Function, from a lower limit to an upper limit, by sampling the Function several times in the interval. The title of the graph is given by the name of the axes, which are taken from the Function`s input and output names. Parameters ---------- lower : scalar, optional The lower limit of the interval in which the function is to be plotted. The default value for function type Functions is 0. By contrast, if the Function is given by a dataset, the default value is the start of the dataset. upper : scalar, optional The upper limit of the interval in which the function is to be plotted. The default value for function type Functions is 10. By contrast, if the Function is given by a dataset, the default value is the end of the dataset. samples : int, optional The number of samples in which the function will be evaluated for plotting it, which draws lines between each evaluated point. The default value is 1000. forceData : Boolean, optional If Function is given by an interpolated dataset, setting forceData to True will plot all points, as a scatter, in the dataset. Default value is False. forcePoints : Boolean, optional Setting forcePoints to True will plot all points, as a scatter, in which the Function was evaluated in the dataset. Default value is False. Returns ------- None """ # Define a mesh and y values at mesh nodes for plotting fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.axes if callable(self.source): # Determine boundaries lower = 0 if lower is None else lower upper = 10 if upper is None else upper else: # Determine boundaries xData = self.source[:, 0] xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] lower = xmin if lower is None else lower upper = xmax if upper is None else upper # Plot data points if forceData = True tooLow = True if xmin >= lower else False tooHigh = True if xmax <= upper else False loInd = 0 if tooLow else np.where(xData >= lower)[0][0] upInd = len(xData) - 1 if tooHigh else np.where(xData <= upper)[0][0] points = self.source[loInd : (upInd + 1), :].T.tolist() if forceData: plt.scatter(points[0], points[1], marker="o") # Calculate function at mesh nodes x = np.linspace(lower, upper, samples) y = self.getValue(x.tolist()) # Plots function if forcePoints: plt.scatter(x, y, marker="o") plt.plot(x, y) # Turn on grid and set title and axis plt.grid(True) plt.title(self.__outputs__[0].title() + " x " + self.__inputs__[0].title()) plt.xlabel(self.__inputs__[0].title()) plt.ylabel(self.__outputs__[0].title()) if returnObject: return fig, ax
[docs] def plot2D( self, lower=None, upper=None, samples=[30, 30], forceData=True, dispType="surface", ): """Plot 2-Dimensional Function, from a lower limit to an upper limit, by sampling the Function several times in the interval. The title of the graph is given by the name of the axis, which are taken from the Function`s inputs and output names. Parameters ---------- lower : scalar, array of int or float, optional The lower limits of the interval in which the function is to be plotted, which can be an int or float, which is repeated for both axis, or an array specifying the limit for each axis. The default value for function type Functions is 0. By contrast, if the Function is given by a dataset, the default value is the start of the dataset for each axis. upper : scalar, array of int or float, optional The upper limits of the interval in which the function is to be plotted, which can be an int or float, which is repeated for both axis, or an array specifying the limit for each axis. The default value for function type Functions is 0. By contrast, if the Function is given by a dataset, the default value is the end of the dataset for each axis. samples : int, array of int, optional The number of samples in which the function will be evaluated for plotting it, which draws lines between each evaluated point. The default value is 30 for each axis. forceData : Boolean, optional If Function is given by an interpolated dataset, setting forceData to True will plot all points, as a scatter, in the dataset. Default value is False. dispType : string, optional Display type of plotted graph, which can be surface, wireframe, contour, or contourf. Default value is surface. Returns ------- None """ # Prepare plot figure = plt.figure() axes = figure.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") # Define a mesh and f values at mesh nodes for plotting if callable(self.source): # Determine boundaries lower = [0, 0] if lower is None else lower lower = 2 * [lower] if isinstance(lower, (int, float)) else lower upper = [10, 10] if upper is None else upper upper = 2 * [upper] if isinstance(upper, (int, float)) else upper else: # Determine boundaries xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] xMin, xMax = xData.min(), xData.max() yMin, yMax = yData.min(), yData.max() lower = [xMin, yMin] if lower is None else lower lower = 2 * [lower] if isinstance(lower, (int, float)) else lower upper = [xMax, yMax] if upper is None else upper upper = 2 * [upper] if isinstance(upper, (int, float)) else upper # Plot data points if forceData = True if forceData: axes.scatter(xData, yData, self.source[:, -1]) # Create nodes to evaluate function x = np.linspace(lower[0], upper[0], samples[0]) y = np.linspace(lower[1], upper[1], samples[1]) meshX, meshY = np.meshgrid(x, y) meshXFlat, meshYFlat = meshX.flatten(), meshY.flatten() mesh = [[meshXFlat[i], meshYFlat[i]] for i in range(len(meshXFlat))] # Evaluate function at all mesh nodes and convert it to matrix z = np.array(self.getValue(mesh)).reshape(meshX.shape) # Plot function if dispType == "surface": surf = axes.plot_surface( meshX, meshY, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, # cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, alpha=0.6, ) figure.colorbar(surf) elif dispType == "wireframe": axes.plot_wireframe(meshX, meshY, z, rstride=1, cstride=1) elif dispType == "contour": figure.clf() CS = plt.contour(meshX, meshY, z) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) elif dispType == "contourf": figure.clf() CS = plt.contour(meshX, meshY, z) plt.contourf(meshX, meshY, z) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) # axes.contourf(meshX, meshY, z, zdir='x', offset=xMin, cmap=cm.coolwarm) # axes.contourf(meshX, meshY, z, zdir='y', offset=yMax, cmap=cm.coolwarm) plt.title( self.__outputs__[0].title() + " x " + self.__inputs__[0].title() + " x " + self.__inputs__[1].title() ) axes.set_xlabel(self.__inputs__[0].title()) axes.set_ylabel(self.__inputs__[1].title()) axes.set_zlabel(self.__outputs__[0].title())
[docs] @staticmethod def comparePlots( plot_list, lower=None, upper=None, samples=1000, title="", xlabel="", ylabel="", forceData=False, forcePoints=False, returnObject=False, ): """Plots N 1-Dimensional Functions in the same plot, from a lower limit to an upper limit, by sampling the Functions several times in the interval. Parameters ---------- plot_list : list List of Functions or list of tuples in the format (Function, label), where label is a string which will be displayed in the legend. lower : scalar, optional The lower limit of the interval in which the Functions are to be plotted. The default value for function type Functions is 0. By contrast, if the Functions given are defined by a dataset, the default value is the lowest value of the datasets. upper : scalar, optional The upper limit of the interval in which the Functions are to be plotted. The default value for function type Functions is 10. By contrast, if the Functions given are defined by a dataset, the default value is the highest value of the datasets. samples : int, optional The number of samples in which the functions will be evaluated for plotting it, which draws lines between each evaluated point. The default value is 1000. title : string, optional Title of the plot. Default value is an empty string. xlabel : string, optional X-axis label. Default value is an empty string. ylabel : string, optional Y-axis label. Default value is an empty string. forceData : Boolean, optional If Function is given by an interpolated dataset, setting forceData to True will plot all points, as a scatter, in the dataset. Default value is False. forcePoints : Boolean, optional Setting forcePoints to True will plot all points, as a scatter, in which the Function was evaluated to plot it. Default value is False. Returns ------- None """ noRangeSpecified = True if lower is None and upper is None else False # Convert to list of tuples if list of Function was given plots = [] for plot in plot_list: if isinstance(plot, (tuple, list)): plots.append(plot) else: plots.append((plot, "")) # plots = [] # if isinstance(plot_list[0], (tuple, list)) == False: # for plot in plot_list: # plots.append((plot, " ")) # else: # plots = plot_list # Create plot figure fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Define a mesh and y values at mesh nodes for plotting if lower is None: lower = 0 for plot in plots: if not callable(plot[0].source): # Determine boundaries xmin = plot[0].source[0, 0] lower = xmin if xmin < lower else lower if upper is None: upper = 10 for plot in plots: if not callable(plot[0].source): # Determine boundaries xmax = plot[0].source[-1, 0] upper = xmax if xmax > upper else upper x = np.linspace(lower, upper, samples) # Iterate to plot all plots for plot in plots: # Deal with discrete data sets when no range is given if noRangeSpecified and not callable(plot[0].source): ax.plot(plot[0][:, 0], plot[0][:, 1], label=plot[1]) if forcePoints: ax.scatter(plot[0][:, 0], plot[0][:, 1], marker="o") else: # Calculate function at mesh nodes y = plot[0].getValue(x.tolist()) # Plots function ax.plot(x, y, label=plot[1]) if forcePoints: ax.scatter(x, y, marker="o") # Plot data points if specified if forceData: for plot in plots: if not callable(plot[0].source): xData = plot[0].source[:, 0] xmin, xmax = xData[0], xData[-1] tooLow = True if xmin >= lower else False tooHigh = True if xmax <= upper else False loInd = 0 if tooLow else np.where(xData >= lower)[0][0] upInd = ( len(xData) - 1 if tooHigh else np.where(xData <= upper)[0][0] ) points = plot[0].source[loInd : (upInd + 1), :].T.tolist() ax.scatter(points[0], points[1], marker="o") # Setup legend ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True) # Turn on grid and set title and axis plt.grid(True) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) # Show plot if returnObject: return fig, ax
# Define all interpolation methods def __interpolatePolynomial__(self): """Calculate polynomail coefficients that fit the data exactly.""" # Find the degree of the polynomial interpolation degree = self.source.shape[0] - 1 # Get x and y values for all supplied points. x = self.source[:, 0] y = self.source[:, 1] # Check if interpolation requires large numbers if np.amax(x) ** degree > 1e308: print( "Polynomial interpolation of too many points can't be done." " Once the degree is too high, numbers get too large." " The process becomes inefficient. Using spline instead." ) return self.setInterpolation("spline") # Create coefficient matrix1 A = np.zeros((degree + 1, degree + 1)) for i in range(degree + 1): A[:, i] = x**i # Solve the system and store the resultant coefficients self.__polynomialCoefficients__ = np.linalg.solve(A, y) def __interpolateSpline__(self): """Calculate natural spline coefficients that fit the data exactly.""" # Get x and y values for all supplied points x = self.source[:, 0] y = self.source[:, 1] mdim = len(x) h = [x[i + 1] - x[i] for i in range(0, mdim - 1)] # Initialize the matrix Ab = np.zeros((3, mdim)) # Construct the Ab banded matrix and B vector Ab[1, 0] = 1 # A[0, 0] = 1 B = [0] for i in range(1, mdim - 1): Ab[2, i - 1] = h[i - 1] # A[i, i - 1] = h[i - 1] Ab[1, i] = 2 * (h[i] + h[i - 1]) # A[i, i] = 2*(h[i] + h[i - 1]) Ab[0, i + 1] = h[i] # A[i, i + 1] = h[i] B.append(3 * ((y[i + 1] - y[i]) / (h[i]) - (y[i] - y[i - 1]) / (h[i - 1]))) Ab[1, mdim - 1] = 1 # A[-1, -1] = 1 B.append(0) # Solve the system for c coefficients c = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), Ab, B, True, True) # Calculate other coefficients b = [ ((y[i + 1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (2 * c[i] + c[i + 1]) / 3) for i in range(0, mdim - 1) ] d = [(c[i + 1] - c[i]) / (3 * h[i]) for i in range(0, mdim - 1)] # Store coefficients self.__splineCoefficients__ = np.array([y[0:-1], b, c[0:-1], d]) def __interpolateAkima__(self): """Calculate akima spline coefficients that fit the data exactly""" # Get x and y values for all supplied points x = self.source[:, 0] y = self.source[:, 1] # Estimate derivatives at each point d = [0] * len(x) d[0] = (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0]) d[-1] = (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2]) for i in range(1, len(x) - 1): w1, w2 = (x[i] - x[i - 1]), (x[i + 1] - x[i]) d1, d2 = ((y[i] - y[i - 1]) / w1), ((y[i + 1] - y[i]) / w2) d[i] = (w1 * d2 + w2 * d1) / (w1 + w2) # Calculate coefficients for each interval with system already solved coeffs = [0] * 4 * (len(x) - 1) for i in range(len(x) - 1): xl, xr = x[i], x[i + 1] yl, yr = y[i], y[i + 1] dl, dr = d[i], d[i + 1] A = np.array( [ [1, xl, xl**2, xl**3], [1, xr, xr**2, xr**3], [0, 1, 2 * xl, 3 * xl**2], [0, 1, 2 * xr, 3 * xr**2], ] ) Y = np.array([yl, yr, dl, dr]).T coeffs[4 * i : 4 * i + 4] = np.linalg.solve(A, Y) """For some reason this doesn't always work! coeffs[4*i] = (dr*xl**2*xr*(-xl + xr) + dl*xl*xr**2*(-xl + xr) + 3*xl*xr**2*yl - xr**3*yl + xl**3*yr - 3*xl**2*xr*yr)/(xl-xr)**3 coeffs[4*i+1] = (dr*xl*(xl**2 + xl*xr - 2*xr**2) - xr*(dl*(-2*xl**2 + xl*xr + xr**2) + 6*xl*(yl - yr)))/(xl-xr)**3 coeffs[4*i+2] = (-dl*(xl**2 + xl*xr - 2*xr**2) + dr*(-2*xl**2 + xl*xr + xr**2) + 3*(xl + xr)*(yl - yr))/(xl-xr)**3 coeffs[4*i+3] = (dl*(xl - xr) + dr*(xl - xr) - 2*yl + 2*yr)/(xl-xr)**3""" self.__akimaCoefficients__ = coeffs # Define all possible algebraic operations def __truediv__(self, other): """Divides a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the division. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : Function, int, float, callable What self will be divided by. If other and self are Function objects which are based on interpolation, have the exact same domain (are defined in the same grid points), have the same interpolation method and have the same input name, then a special implementation is used. This implementation is faster, however behavior between grid points is only interpolated, not calculated as it would be. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of self(x)/other(x). """ # If other is Function try... try: # Check if Function objects source is array or callable # Check if Function objects have same interpolation and domain if ( isinstance(other.source, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray) and self.__interpolation__ == other.__interpolation__ and self.__inputs__ == other.__inputs__ and np.array_equal(self.source[:, 0], other.source[:, 0]) ): # Operate on grid values with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): Ys = self.source[:, 1] / other.source[:, 1] Ys = np.nan_to_num(Ys) Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "/" + other.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValueOpt2(x) / other(x))) # If other is Float except... except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): # Check if Function object source is array or callable if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] / other Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "/" + str(other) outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValueOpt2(x) / other)) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (self.getValueOpt2(x) / other(x))) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """Devides 'other' by a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the division. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : int, float, callable What self will divide. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of other(x)/self(x). """ # Check if Function object source is array and other is float if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = other / self.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = str(other) + "/" + self.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (other / self.getValueOpt2(x))) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (other(x) / self.getValueOpt2(x))) def __pow__(self, other): """Raises a Function object to the power of 'other' and returns a new Function object which gives the result. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : Function, int, float, callable What self will be raised to. If other and self are Function objects which are based on interpolation, have the exact same domain (are defined in the same grid points), have the same interpolation method and have the same input name, then a special implementation is used. This implementation is faster, however behavior between grid points is only interpolated, not calculated as it would be. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of self(x)**other(x). """ # If other is Function try... try: # Check if Function objects source is array or callable # Check if Function objects have same interpolation and domain if ( isinstance(other.source, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray) and self.__interpolation__ == other.__interpolation__ and self.__inputs__ == other.__inputs__ and np.array_equal(self.source[:, 0], other.source[:, 0]) ): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] ** other.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "**" + other.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValueOpt2(x) ** other(x))) # If other is Float except... except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): # Check if Function object source is array or callable if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] ** other Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "**" + str(other) outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) ** other)) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) ** other(x))) def __rpow__(self, other): """Raises 'other' to the power of a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : int, float, callable What self will exponentiate. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of other(x)**self(x). """ # Check if Function object source is array and other is float if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = other ** self.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = str(other) + "**" + self.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (other ** self.getValue(x))) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (other(x) ** self.getValue(x))) def __mul__(self, other): """Multiplies a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the multiplication. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : Function, int, float, callable What self will be multiplied by. If other and self are Function objects which are based on interpolation, have the exact same domain (are defined in the same grid points), have the same interpolation method and have the same input name, then a special implementation is used. This implementation is faster, however behavior between grid points is only interpolated, not calculated as it would be. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of self(x)*other(x). """ # If other is Function try... try: # Check if Function objects source is array or callable # Check if Function objects have same interpolation and domain if ( isinstance(other.source, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray) and self.__interpolation__ == other.__interpolation__ and self.__inputs__ == other.__inputs__ and np.array_equal(self.source[:, 0], other.source[:, 0]) ): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] * other.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "*" + other.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) * other(x))) # If other is Float except... except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): # Check if Function object source is array or callable if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] * other Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + "*" + str(other) outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) * other)) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) * other(x))) def __rmul__(self, other): """Multiplies 'other' by a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the multiplication. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : int, float, callable What self will be multiplied by. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of other(x)*self(x). """ # Check if Function object source is array and other is float if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = other * self.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = str(other) + "*" + self.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (other * self.getValue(x))) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (other(x) * self.getValue(x))) def __add__(self, other): """Sums a Function object and 'other', returns a new Function object which gives the result of the sum. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : Function, int, float, callable What self will be added to. If other and self are Function objects which are based on interpolation, have the exact same domain (are defined in the same grid points), have the same interpolation method and have the same input name, then a special implementation is used. This implementation is faster, however behavior between grid points is only interpolated, not calculated as it would be. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of self(x)+other(x). """ # If other is Function try... try: # Check if Function objects source is array or callable # Check if Function objects have same interpolation and domain if ( isinstance(other.source, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray) and self.__interpolation__ == other.__interpolation__ and self.__inputs__ == other.__inputs__ and np.array_equal(self.source[:, 0], other.source[:, 0]) ): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] + other.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + " + " + other.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) + other(x))) # If other is Float except... except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): # Check if Function object source is array or callable if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] + other Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + " + " + str(other) outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) + other)) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) + other(x))) def __radd__(self, other): """Sums 'other' and a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the sum. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : int, float, callable What self will be added to. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of other(x)/+self(x). """ # Check if Function object source is array and other is float if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = other + self.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = str(other) + " + " + self.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (other + self.getValue(x))) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (other(x) + self.getValue(x))) def __sub__(self, other): """Subtracts from a Function object and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the subtraction. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : Function, int, float, callable What self will be subtracted by. If other and self are Function objects which are based on interpolation, have the exact same domain (are defined in the same grid points), have the same interpolation method and have the same input name, then a special implementation is used. This implementation is faster, however behavior between grid points is only interpolated, not calculated as it would be. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of self(x)-other(x). """ # If other is Function try... try: # Check if Function objects source is array or callable # Check if Function objects have same interpolation and domain if ( isinstance(other.source, np.ndarray) and isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray) and self.__interpolation__ == other.__interpolation__ and self.__inputs__ == other.__inputs__ and np.array_equal(self.source[:, 0], other.source[:, 0]) ): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] - other.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + " - " + other.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) * other(x))) # If other is Float except... except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): # Check if Function object source is array or callable if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = self.source[:, 1] - other Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = self.__outputs__[0] + " - " + str(other) outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) - other)) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (self.getValue(x) - other(x))) def __rsub__(self, other): """Subtracts a Function object from 'other' and returns a new Function object which gives the result of the subtraction. Only implemented for 1D domains. Parameters ---------- other : int, float, callable What self will subtract from. Returns ------- result : Function A Function object which gives the result of other(x)-self(x). """ # Check if Function object source is array and other is float if isinstance(other, (float, int, complex)): if isinstance(self.source, np.ndarray): # Operate on grid values Ys = other - self.source[:, 1] Xs = self.source[:, 0] source = np.concatenate(([Xs], [Ys])).transpose() # Retrieve inputs, outputs and interpolation inputs = self.__inputs__[:] outputs = str(other) + " - " + self.__outputs__[0] outputs = "(" + outputs + ")" interpolation = self.__interpolation__ # Create new Function object return Function(source, inputs, outputs, interpolation) else: return Function(lambda x: (other - self.getValue(x))) # Or if it is just a callable elif callable(other): return Function(lambda x: (other(x) - self.getValue(x)))
[docs] def integral(self, a, b, numerical=False): """Evaluate a definite integral of a 1-D Function in the interval from a to b. Parameters ---------- a : float Lower limit of integration. b : float Upper limit of integration. numerical : bool If True, forces the definite integral to be evaluated numerically. The current numerical method used is scipy.integrate.quad. If False, try to calculate using interpolation information. Currently, only available for spline and linear interpolation. If unavailable, calculate numerically anyways. Returns ------- ans : float Evaluated integral. """ if self.__interpolation__ == "spline" and numerical is False: # Integrate using spline coefficients xData = self.source[:, 0] yData = self.source[:, 1] coeffs = self.__splineCoefficients__ ans = 0 # Check to see if interval starts before point data if a < xData[0]: if self.__extrapolation__ == "constant": ans += yData[0] * (xData[0] - a) elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": c = coeffs[:, 0] subB = a - xData[0] # subA = 0 ans -= ( (c[3] * subB**4) / 4 + (c[2] * subB**3 / 3) + (c[1] * subB**2 / 2) + c[0] * subB ) else: # self.__extrapolation__ = 'zero' pass # Integrate in subintervals between Xs of given data up to b i = 0 while i < len(xData) - 1 and xData[i] < b: if b < xData[i + 1]: subB = b - xData[i] # subA = 0 else: subB = xData[i + 1] - xData[i] # subA = 0 c = coeffs[:, i] subB = xData[i + 1] - xData[i] # subA = 0 ans += ( (c[3] * subB**4) / 4 + (c[2] * subB**3 / 3) + (c[1] * subB**2 / 2) + c[0] * subB ) i += 1 # Check to see if interval ends after point data if b > xData[-1]: if self.__extrapolation__ == "constant": ans += yData[-1] * (b - xData[-1]) elif self.__extrapolation__ == "natural": c = coeffs[:, -1] subA = xData[-1] - xData[-2] subB = b - xData[-2] ans -= ( (c[3] * subA**4) / 4 + (c[2] * subA**3 / 3) + (c[1] * subA**2 / 2) + c[0] * subA ) ans += ( (c[3] * subB**4) / 4 + (c[2] * subB**3 / 3) + (c[1] * subB**2 / 2) + c[0] * subB ) else: # self.__extrapolation__ = 'zero' pass elif self.__interpolation__ == "linear" and numerical is False: return np.trapz(self.source[:, 1], x=self.source[:, 0]) else: # Integrate numerically ans, _ = integrate.quad(self, a, b, epsabs=0.1, limit=10000) return ans
# Not implemented def differentiate(self, x, dx=1e-6): return (self.getValue(x + dx) - self.getValue(x - dx)) / (2 * dx)
# h = (10)**-300 # z = x + h*1j # return self(z).imag/h
[docs]def funcify_method(*args, **kwargs): """Decorator factory to wrap methods as Function objects and save them as cached properties. Parameters ---------- *args : list Positional arguments to be passed to rocketpy.Function. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to rocketpy.Function. Returns ------- decorator : function Decorator function to wrap callables as Function objects. Examples -------- There are 3 types of methods that this decorator supports: 1. Method which returns a valid rocketpy.Function source argument. >>> from rocketpy.Function import funcify_method >>> class Example(): ... @funcify_method(inputs=['x'], outputs=['y']) ... def f(self): ... return lambda x: x**2 >>> example = Example() >>> example.f Function from R1 to R1 : (x) → (y) Normal algebra can be performed afterwards: >>> g = 2*example.f + 3 >>> g(2) 11 2. Method which returns a rocketpy.Function instance. An interesting use is to reset input and output names after algebraic operations. >>> class Example(): ... @funcify_method(inputs=['x'], outputs=['x**3']) ... def cube(self): ... f = Function(lambda x: x**2) ... g = Function(lambda x: x**5) ... return g / f >>> example = Example() >>> example.cube Function from R1 to R1 : (x) → (x**3) 3. Method which is itself a valid rocketpy.Function source argument. >>> class Example(): ... @funcify_method('x', 'f(x)') ... def f(self, x): ... return x**2 >>> example = Example() >>> example.f Function from R1 to R1 : (x) → (f(x)) In order to reset the cache, just delete de attribute from the instance: >>> del example.f Once it is requested again, it will be re-created as a new Function object: >>> example.f Function from R1 to R1 : (x) → (f(x)) """ func = None if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]): func = args[0] args = [] class funcify_method_decorator: def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.attrname = None self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self.attrname = name def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self cache = instance.__dict__ try: # If cache is ready, return it val = cache[self.attrname] except KeyError: # If cache is not ready, create it try: # Handle methods which return Function instances val = self.func(instance).reset(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: # Handle methods which return a valid source source = self.func(instance) val = Function(source, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # Handle methods which are the source themselves source = lambda *_: self.func(instance, *_) val = Function(source, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: raise Exception( "Could not create Function object from method " f"{self.func.__name__}." ) val.__doc__ = self.__doc__ cache[self.attrname] = val return val if func: return funcify_method_decorator(func) else: return funcify_method_decorator
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()