Source code for rocketpy.plots.environment_analysis_plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.animation import PillowWriter as ImageWriter
from scipy import stats

from rocketpy.units import convert_units

from import find_two_closest_integers, import_optional_dependency

# TODO: `wind_speed_limit` and `clear_range_limits` and should be numbers, not booleans

[docs] class _EnvironmentAnalysisPlots: """Class that holds plot methods for EnvironmentAnalysis class. Attributes ---------- _EnvironmentAnalysisPlots.env_analysis : EnvironmentAnalysis EnvironmentAnalysis object that will be used for the plots. _EnvironmentAnalysisPlots.surface_level_dict : dict Dictionary with all surface level data. _EnvironmentAnalysisPlots.pressure_level_dict : dict Dictionary with all pressure level data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, env_analysis): """Initializes the class. Parameters ---------- env_analysis : rocketpy.EnvironmentAnalysis Instance of the rocketpy EnvironmentAnalysis class Returns ------- None """ # Save attributes self.env_analysis = env_analysis # Save commonly used attributes self.surface_level_dict = self.env_analysis.converted_surface_data self.pressure_level_dict = self.env_analysis.converted_pressure_level_data return None
def __beaufort_wind_scale(self, units, max_wind_speed=None): """Returns a list of bins equivalent to the Beaufort wind scale in the desired unit system. Parameters ---------- units: str Desired units for wind speed. Options are: "knot", "mph", "m/s", "ft/s: and "km/h". max_wind_speed: float Maximum wind speed to be included in the scale. Should be expressed in the same unit as the units parameter. Returns ------- list[float] """ wind_scale_knots = np.array( [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 16, 21, 27, 33, 40, 47, 55, 63, 71] ) wind_scale = wind_scale_knots * convert_units(1, "knot", units) wind_scale_truncated = wind_scale[np.where(wind_scale <= max_wind_speed)] if wind_scale[1] < 1: return np.round(wind_scale_truncated, 1) else: return np.round(wind_scale_truncated, 0) # Surface level plots
[docs] def wind_gust_distribution(self): """Get all values of wind gust speed (for every date and hour available) and plot a single distribution. Expected result is a Weibull distribution, however, the result is not always a perfect fit, and sometimes it may look like a normal distribution. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() # Plot histogram plt.hist( self.env_analysis.wind_gust_list, bins=int(len(self.env_analysis.wind_gust_list) ** 0.5), density=True, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.2, label="Wind Gust", ) # Plot weibull distribution c, loc, scale = self.env_analysis.wind_gust_list, loc=0, scale=1 ) x = np.linspace(0, np.max(self.env_analysis.wind_gust_list), 100) plt.plot( x, stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale), "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) # Label plot plt.ylabel("Probability") plt.xlabel(f"Wind gust speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") plt.title("Wind Gust Speed Distribution (at surface)") plt.xlim(0, max(self.env_analysis.wind_gust_list)) plt.legend() return None
[docs] def surface10m_wind_speed_distribution(self, wind_speed_limit=False): """Get all values of sustained surface wind speed (for every date and hour available) and plot a single distribution. Expected result is a Weibull distribution. The wind speed limit is plotted as a vertical line. Parameters ---------- wind_speed_limit : bool, optional If True, plots the wind speed limit as a vertical line. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() # Plot histogram plt.hist( self.env_analysis.surface_10m_wind_speed_list, bins=int(len(self.env_analysis.surface_10m_wind_speed_list) ** 0.5), density=True, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.2, label="Wind Speed", ) # Plot weibull distribution c, loc, scale = self.env_analysis.surface_10m_wind_speed_list, loc=0, scale=1 ) x = np.linspace(0, np.max(self.env_analysis.surface_10m_wind_speed_list), 100) plt.plot( x, stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale), "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) if wind_speed_limit: plt.vlines( convert_units(20, "mph", self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"]), 0, 0.3, "g", (0, (15, 5, 2, 5)), label="Wind Speed Limit", ) # Plot Wind Speed Limit # Label plot plt.ylabel("Probability") plt.xlabel( f"Sustained surface wind speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) plt.title("Sustained Wind Speed Distribution (at surface+10m)") plt.xlim(0, max(self.env_analysis.surface_10m_wind_speed_list)) plt.legend() return None
[docs] def average_surface_temperature_evolution(self): """Plots average temperature progression throughout the day, including sigma contours. Returns ------- None """ # Get handy arrays temperature_mean = np.array( list(self.env_analysis.average_temperature_by_hour.values()) ) temperature_std = np.array( list(self.env_analysis.std_temperature_by_hour.values()) ) temperatures_p1sigma = temperature_mean + temperature_std temperatures_m1sigma = temperature_mean - temperature_std temperatures_p2sigma = temperature_mean + 2 * temperature_std temperatures_m2sigma = temperature_mean - 2 * temperature_std plt.figure() # Plot temperature along day for each available date for hour_entries in self.surface_level_dict.values(): plt.plot( [int(hour) for hour in hour_entries.keys()], [val["surface_temperature"] for val in hour_entries.values()], "gray", alpha=0.1, ) # Plot average temperature along day plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, temperature_mean, "r", label="$\\mu$") # Plot standard deviations temperature along day plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, temperatures_m1sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm \sigma$", ) plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, temperatures_p1sigma, "b--") plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, temperatures_p2sigma, "b--", alpha=0.5) plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, temperatures_m2sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm 2\sigma $", alpha=0.5, ) # Format plot plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( lambda x, pos: "{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}".format(*divmod(x * 60, 60)) ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.xlabel("Time (hours)") plt.ylabel(f"Temperature ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['temperature']})") plt.title("Average Temperature Along Day") plt.grid(alpha=0.25) plt.legend() return None
[docs] def average_surface10m_wind_speed_evolution(self, wind_speed_limit=False): """Plots average surface wind speed progression throughout the day, including sigma contours. Parameters ---------- wind_speed_limit : bool, optional If True, plots the wind speed limit as a horizontal line. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ # Get handy arrays wind_speed_mean = np.array( list((self.env_analysis.average_surface_10m_wind_speed_by_hour.values())) ) wind_speed_std = np.array( list(self.env_analysis.std_surface_10m_wind_speed_by_hour.values()) ) wind_speeds_p1sigma = wind_speed_mean + wind_speed_std wind_speeds_m1sigma = wind_speed_mean - wind_speed_std wind_speeds_p2sigma = wind_speed_mean + 2 * wind_speed_std wind_speeds_m2sigma = wind_speed_mean - 2 * wind_speed_std plt.figure() # Plot average wind speed along day for hour_entries in self.surface_level_dict.values(): plt.plot( [x for x in self.env_analysis.hours], [ ( val["surface10m_wind_velocity_x"] ** 2 + val["surface10m_wind_velocity_y"] ** 2 ) ** 0.5 for val in hour_entries.values() ], "gray", alpha=0.1, ) # Plot average temperature along day plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speed_mean, "r", label="$\\mu$") # Plot standard deviations temperature along day plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_m1sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm \sigma$", ) plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_p1sigma, "b--") plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_p2sigma, "b--", alpha=0.5) plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_m2sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm 2\sigma $", alpha=0.5, ) # Format plot plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( lambda x, pos: "{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}".format(*divmod(x * 60, 60)) ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) if wind_speed_limit: plt.hlines( convert_units(20, "mph", self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"]), min(self.env_analysis.hours), max(self.env_analysis.hours), "g", (0, (15, 5, 2, 5)), label="Wind Speed Limit", ) plt.xlabel("Time (hours)") plt.ylabel( f"Surface Wind Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) plt.title("Average Sustained Surface Wind Speed Along Day") plt.grid(alpha=0.25) plt.legend() return None
[docs] def average_surface100m_wind_speed_evolution(self): """Plots average surface wind speed progression throughout the day, including sigma contours. Returns ------- None """ # Get handy arrays wind_speed_mean = ( self.env_analysis.average_surface_100m_wind_speed_by_hour.values() ) wind_speed_mean = np.array(list(wind_speed_mean)) wind_speed_std = np.array( list(self.env_analysis.std_surface_100m_wind_speed_by_hour.values()) ) wind_speeds_p1sigma = wind_speed_mean + wind_speed_std wind_speeds_m1sigma = wind_speed_mean - wind_speed_std wind_speeds_p2sigma = wind_speed_mean + 2 * wind_speed_std wind_speeds_m2sigma = wind_speed_mean - 2 * wind_speed_std plt.figure() # Plot temperature along day for each available date for hour_entries in self.surface_level_dict.values(): plt.plot( [int(hour) for hour in hour_entries.keys()], [ ( val["surface100m_wind_velocity_x"] ** 2 + val["surface100m_wind_velocity_y"] ** 2 ) ** 0.5 for val in hour_entries.values() ], "gray", alpha=0.1, ) # Plot average temperature along day plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speed_mean, "r", label="$\\mu$") # Plot standard deviations temperature along day plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_m1sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm \sigma$", ) plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_p1sigma, "b--") plt.plot(self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_p2sigma, "b--", alpha=0.5) plt.plot( self.env_analysis.hours, wind_speeds_m2sigma, "b--", label=r"$\mu \pm 2\sigma $", alpha=0.5, ) # Format plot plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( lambda x, pos: "{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}".format(*divmod(x * 60, 60)) ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.xlabel("Time (hours)") plt.ylabel(f"100m Wind Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") plt.title("Average 100m Wind Speed Along Day") plt.grid(alpha=0.25) plt.legend() return None
# Average profiles plots (pressure level data)
[docs] def average_wind_speed_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Average wind speed for all datetimes available. The plot also includes sigma contours. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional If True, clears the range limits. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() plt.plot( self.env_analysis.average_wind_speed_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "r", label="$\\mu$ speed", ) plt.plot( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list, 50 - 34.1, axis=0 ), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, label="$\\mu \\pm \\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list, 50 + 34.1, axis=0 ), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, ) plt.plot( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list, 50 - 47.4, axis=0 ), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, label="$\\mu \\pm 2\\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list, 50 + 47.7, axis=0 ), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, ) for wind_speed_profile in self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list: plt.plot( wind_speed_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "gray", alpha=0.01 ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) if clear_range_limits: x_min, xmax, _, _ = plt.axis() plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.xlabel(f"Wind speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") plt.ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") plt.xlim(0, 360) plt.title("Average Wind speed Profile") plt.legend() plt.xlim( 0, max( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.wind_speed_profiles_list, 50 + 49.85, axis=0 ) ), ) return None
[docs] def average_wind_velocity_xy_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Average wind X and wind Y for all datetimes available. The X component is the wind speed in the direction of East, and the Y component is the wind speed in the direction of North. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional If True, clears the range limits. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() plt.plot( self.env_analysis.average_wind_velocity_x_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "r", label="$\\mu$ X", ) plt.plot( self.env_analysis.average_wind_velocity_y_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b", label="$\\mu$ Y", ) if clear_range_limits: x_min, xmax, _, _ = plt.axis() plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) plt.xlabel(f"Wind speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") plt.ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") plt.title("Average Wind X and Y Profile") plt.legend() plt.grid() return None
[docs] def average_wind_heading_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Average wind heading for all datetimes available. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional If True, clears the range limits. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() plt.plot( self.env_analysis.average_wind_heading_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "r", label="$\\mu$", ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) if clear_range_limits: x_min, xmax = 0, 360 plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.xlabel(f"Wind heading ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['angle']})") plt.ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") plt.xlim(0, 360) plt.title("Average Wind heading Profile") plt.legend() return None
[docs] def average_pressure_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Average pressure profile for all datetimes available. The plot also includes sigma contours. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional If True, clears the range limits. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() plt.plot( np.mean(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "r", label="$\\mu$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, 15.9, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, label="$\\mu \\pm \\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, 84.1, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, 2.6, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, label="$\\mu \\pm 2\\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, 97.4, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, ) for pressure_profile in self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list: plt.plot( pressure_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "gray", alpha=0.01 ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) if clear_range_limits: x_min, xmax, _, _ = plt.axis() plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.xlabel(f"Pressure ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['pressure']})") plt.ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") plt.title("Average Pressure Profile") plt.legend() plt.xlim( 0, max(np.percentile(self.env_analysis.pressure_profiles_list, 99.85, axis=0)), ) return None
[docs] def average_temperature_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Average temperature profile for all datetimes available. The plot also includes sigma contours. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional If True, clears the range limits. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ plt.figure() plt.plot( np.mean(self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "r", label="$\\mu$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 15.9, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, label="$\\mu \\pm \\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 84.1, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=1, ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 2.6, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, label="$\\mu \\pm 2\\sigma$", ) plt.plot( np.percentile(self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 97.4, axis=0), self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "b--", alpha=0.5, ) for pressure_profile in self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list: plt.plot( pressure_profile, self.env_analysis.altitude_list, "gray", alpha=0.01 ) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) if clear_range_limits: x_min, xmax, ymax, ymin = plt.axis() plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.fill_between( [x_min, xmax], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) plt.xlabel(f"Temperature ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['temperature']})") plt.ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") plt.title("Average Temperature Profile") plt.legend() plt.xlim( min( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 99.85, axis=0 ) ), max( np.percentile( self.env_analysis.temperature_profiles_list, 99.85, axis=0 ) ), ) return None
# Wind roses (surface level data)
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_wind_rose( wind_direction, wind_speed, bins=None, title=None, fig=None, rect=None ): """Plot a windrose given the data. Parameters ---------- wind_direction: list[float] The wind direction. wind_speed: list[float] The wind speed bins: 1D array or integer, optional number of bins, or a sequence of bins variable. If not set, bins=6, then bins=linspace(min(var), max(var), 6) title: str, optional Title of the plot fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional Figure to plot the windrose Returns ------- WindroseAxes """ windrose = import_optional_dependency("windrose") WindroseAxes = windrose.WindroseAxes ax = WindroseAxes.from_ax(fig=fig, rect=rect) wind_direction, wind_speed, bins=bins, normed=True, opening=0.8, edgecolor="white", ) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_legend() # Format the ticks (only integers, as percentage, at most 3 intervals) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=3, prune="lower") ) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(decimals=0)) return ax
[docs] def average_wind_rose_specific_hour(self, hour, fig=None): """Plot a specific hour of the average windrose Parameters ---------- hour: int Hour to be plotted fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure Figure to plot the windrose Returns ------- None """ self.plot_wind_rose( self.env_analysis.surface_wind_direction_by_hour[hour], self.env_analysis.surface_wind_speed_by_hour[hour], bins=self.__beaufort_wind_scale( units=self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"], max_wind_speed=self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_wind_speed, ), title=f"Wind Rose of an Average Day ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']}) - Hour {float(hour):05.2f}".replace( ".", ":" ), fig=fig, ) return None
[docs] def average_wind_rose_grid(self): """Plot wind roses for all hours of a day, in a grid like plot. Returns ------- None """ # Figure settings windrose_side = 2.5 # inches vertical_padding_top = 2.5 # inches plot_padding = 0.18 # percentage n_cols, n_rows = find_two_closest_integers(len(self.env_analysis.hours)) vertical_plot_area_percentage = ( n_rows * windrose_side / (n_rows * windrose_side + vertical_padding_top) ) # Create figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches( n_cols * windrose_side, n_rows * windrose_side + vertical_padding_top ) bins = self.__beaufort_wind_scale( units=self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"], max_wind_speed=self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_wind_speed, ) width = (1 - 2 * plot_padding) * 1 / n_cols height = vertical_plot_area_percentage * (1 - 2 * plot_padding) * 1 / n_rows for k, hour in enumerate(self.env_analysis.hours): # Row count bottom up i, j = len(self.env_analysis.hours) // n_rows - k // n_cols, k % n_cols left = j * 1 / n_cols + plot_padding / n_cols bottom = ( vertical_plot_area_percentage * ((i - 2) / n_rows + plot_padding / n_rows) + 0.5 ) ax = self.plot_wind_rose( self.env_analysis.surface_wind_direction_by_hour[hour], self.env_analysis.surface_wind_speed_by_hour[hour], bins=bins, title=f"{float(hour):05.2f}".replace(".", ":"), fig=fig, rect=[left, bottom, width, height], ) if k == 0: ax.legend( loc="upper center", # 0.8 is a magic number bbox_to_anchor=(n_cols / 2 + 0.8, 1.8), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=n_cols, ) else: ax.legend().set_visible(False) fig.add_axes(ax) fig.suptitle( f"Wind Roses ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})", fontsize=17, x=0.5, y=1, ) plt.bbox_inches = "tight" return None
[docs] def animate_average_wind_rose(self, figsize=(5, 5), filename="wind_rose.gif"): """Animates the wind_rose of an average day. The inputs of a wind_rose are the location of the place where we want to analyze, (x,y,z). The data is assembled by hour, which means, the windrose of a specific hour is generated by bringing together the data of all of the days available for that specific hour. It's possible to change the size of the gif using the parameter figsize, which is the height and width in inches. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple, optional Size of the figure in inches, (width, height). The default is (8, 8). filename : str Name of the file to save the gif. The default is "wind_rose.gif". Returns ------- Image : ipywidgets.widget_media.Image """ widgets = import_optional_dependency("ipywidgets") metadata = dict( title="windrose", artist="windrose", comment="""Made with windrose""", ) writer = ImageWriter(fps=1, metadata=metadata) fig = plt.figure(facecolor="w", edgecolor="w", figsize=figsize) with writer.saving(fig, filename, 100): for hour in self.env_analysis.hours: self.plot_wind_rose( self.env_analysis.surface_wind_direction_by_hour[hour], self.env_analysis.surface_wind_speed_by_hour[hour], bins=self.__beaufort_wind_scale( units=self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"], max_wind_speed=self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_wind_speed, ), title=f"Wind Rose of an Average Day ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']}). Hour {float(hour):05.2f}".replace( ".", ":" ), fig=fig, ) writer.grab_frame() plt.clf() with open(filename, "rb") as file: image = fig_width, fig_height = plt.gcf().get_size_inches() * fig.dpi plt.close(fig) return widgets.Image( value=image, format="gif", width=fig_width, height=fig_height, )
# More plots and animations
[docs] def wind_gust_distribution_grid(self): """Plots shown in the animation of how the wind gust distribution varies throughout the day. Returns ------- None """ wind_gusts = self.env_analysis.surface_wind_gust_by_hour # Create grid of plots to show a distribution for each hour n_rows, n_cols = find_two_closest_integers(len(self.env_analysis.hours)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 2, n_rows * 2.2)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols, hspace=0, wspace=0, left=0.12) axs = gs.subplots(sharex=True, sharey=True) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Iterate over all hours and plot histograms for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: hour = self.env_analysis.hours[i * n_cols + j] ax = axs[i, j] ax.set_title(f"{float(hour):05.2f}".replace(".", ":"), y=0.8) ax.hist( wind_gusts[hour], bins=int(len(wind_gusts[hour]) ** 0.5), density=True, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.2, label="Wind Gust", ) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) # Plot weibull distribution c, loc, scale =[hour], loc=0, scale=1) x = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.max_wind_gust_list), 50) ax.plot( x, stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale), "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) current_x_max = ax.get_xlim()[1] current_y_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] x_max = current_x_max if current_x_max > x_max else x_max y_max = current_y_max if current_y_max > y_max else y_max ax.label_outer() ax.grid() # Set x and y limits for the last axis. Since axes are shared, set to all ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=5, prune="lower") ) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=4, prune="lower") ) # Set title and axis labels for entire figure handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) fig.legend( by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc="upper right", ) fig.suptitle("Wind Gust Distribution") fig.supxlabel( f"Wind Gust Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) fig.supylabel("Probability") return None
[docs] def animate_wind_gust_distribution(self): """Animation of how the wind gust distribution varies throughout the day. Each frame is a histogram of the wind gust distribution for a specific hour. Returns ------- HTML : IPython.core.display.HTML The animation as an HTML object """ module = import_optional_dependency("IPython.display") HTML = module.HTML # this is a class # Gather animation data wind_gusts = self.env_analysis.surface_wind_gust_by_hour # Create animation fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) # Initialize animation artists: histogram and hour text hist_bins = np.linspace( 0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_wind_gust), 25 ) # Fix bins edges _, _, bar_container = plt.hist( [], bins=hist_bins, alpha=0.2, label="Wind Gust Speed Distribution", ) (ln,) = plt.plot( [], [], "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) tx = plt.text( x=0.95, y=0.95, s="", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=24, ) # Define function to initialize animation max_probability_density = 1.2 * max( stats.weibull_min.pdf( np.linspace(0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_wind_gust), 50), * wind_gusts[self.env_analysis.hours[0]], loc=0, scale=1 ), ) ) def init(): ax.set_xlim(0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_wind_gust)) ax.set_ylim(0, max_probability_density) ax.set_xlabel( f"Wind Gust Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) ax.set_ylabel("Probability") ax.set_title("Wind Gust Distribution") # ax.grid(True) return (ln, *bar_container.patches, tx) # Define function which sets each animation frame def update(frame): # Update histogram data = frame[1] hist, _ = np.histogram(data, hist_bins, density=True) for count, rect in zip(hist, bar_container.patches): rect.set_height(count) # Update weibull distribution c, loc, scale =, loc=0, scale=1) x = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_wind_gust), 50) y = stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale) ln.set_data(x, y) # Update hour text tx.set_text(f"{float(frame[0]):05.2f}".replace(".", ":")) return (ln, *bar_container.patches, tx) for frame in wind_gusts.items(): update(frame) animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=wind_gusts.items(), interval=750, init_func=init, blit=True, ) plt.close(fig) return HTML(animation.to_jshtml())
[docs] def surface_wind_speed_distribution_grid(self, wind_speed_limit=False): """Plots shown in the animation of how the sustained surface wind speed distribution varies throughout the day. The plots are histograms of the wind speed distribution for a specific hour. The plots are arranged in a grid like plot. Parameters ---------- wind_speed_limit : bool, optional Whether to plot the wind speed limit as a vertical line Returns ------- None """ # Gather animation data average_wind_speed_at_given_hour = self.env_analysis.surface_wind_speed_by_hour # Create grid of plots for each hour n_cols, n_rows = find_two_closest_integers(len(self.env_analysis.hours)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 2, n_rows * 2.2)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols, hspace=0, wspace=0, left=0.12) axs = gs.subplots(sharex=True, sharey=True) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: hour = self.env_analysis.hours[i * n_cols + j] ax = axs[i, j] ax.set_title(f"{float(hour):05.2f}".replace(".", ":"), y=0.8) ax.hist( average_wind_speed_at_given_hour[hour], bins=int(len(average_wind_speed_at_given_hour[hour]) ** 0.5), density=True, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.2, label="Wind Speed", ) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) # Plot weibull distribution c, loc, scale = average_wind_speed_at_given_hour[hour], loc=0, scale=1 ) x = np.linspace( 0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.max_surface_10m_wind_speed_list), 100, ) ax.plot( x, stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale), "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) current_x_max = ax.get_xlim()[1] current_y_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] x_max = current_x_max if current_x_max > x_max else x_max y_max = current_y_max if current_y_max > y_max else y_max ax.label_outer() ax.grid() # Set x and y limits for the last axis. Since axes are shared, set to all ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=5, prune="lower") ) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=4, prune="lower") ) if wind_speed_limit: for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: # Clear Sky Range Altitude Limits j] ax = axs[i, j] ax.vlines( convert_units( 20, "mph", self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"] ), 0, ax.get_ylim()[1], "g", (0, (15, 5, 2, 5)), label="Wind Speed Limits", ) # Set title and axis labels for entire figure handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) fig.legend( by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc="upper right", ) fig.suptitle("Sustained Surface Wind Speed Distributions") fig.supxlabel( f"Sustained Surface Wind Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) fig.supylabel("Probability") return None
[docs] def animate_surface_wind_speed_distribution(self, wind_speed_limit=False): """Animation of how the sustained surface wind speed distribution varies throughout the day. Each frame is a histogram of the wind speed distribution for a specific hour. Parameters ---------- wind_speed_limit : bool, optional Whether to plot the wind speed limit as a vertical line Returns ------- HTML : IPython.core.display.HTML """ module = import_optional_dependency("IPython.display") HTML = module.HTML # this is a class # Gather animation data surface_wind_speeds_at_given_hour = self.env_analysis.surface_wind_speed_by_hour # Create animation fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) # Initialize animation artists: histogram and hour text hist_bins = np.linspace( 0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_10m_wind_speed), 25 ) # Fix bins edges _, _, bar_container = plt.hist( [], bins=hist_bins, alpha=0.2, label="Sustained Surface Wind Speed Distribution", ) (ln,) = plt.plot( [], [], "r-", linewidth=2, label="Weibull Distribution", ) tx = plt.text( x=0.95, y=0.95, s="", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=24, ) maximum_probability_density = 1.2 * max( stats.weibull_min.pdf( np.linspace( 0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_10m_wind_speed), 100, ), * surface_wind_speeds_at_given_hour[self.env_analysis.hours[0]], loc=0, scale=1, ), ) ) # Define function to initialize animation def init(): ax.set_xlim(0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_10m_wind_speed)) ax.set_ylim(0, maximum_probability_density) ax.set_xlabel( f"Sustained Surface Wind Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})" ) ax.set_ylabel("Probability") ax.set_title("Sustained Surface Wind Distribution") if wind_speed_limit: ax.vlines( convert_units( 20, "mph", self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"] ), 0, 0.3, "g", (0, (15, 5, 2, 5)), label="Wind Speed Limit", ) return (ln, *bar_container.patches, tx) # Define function which sets each animation frame def update(frame): # Update histogram data = frame[1] hist, _ = np.histogram(data, hist_bins, density=True) for count, rect in zip(hist, bar_container.patches): rect.set_height(count) # Update weibull distribution c, loc, scale =, loc=0, scale=1) x = np.linspace( 0, np.ceil(self.env_analysis.record_max_surface_10m_wind_speed), 100, ) y = stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, c, loc, scale) ln.set_data(x, y) # Update hour text tx.set_text(f"{float(frame[0]):05.2f}".replace(".", ":")) return (ln, *bar_container.patches, tx) for frame in surface_wind_speeds_at_given_hour.items(): update(frame) animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=surface_wind_speeds_at_given_hour.items(), interval=750, init_func=init, blit=True, ) plt.close(fig) return HTML(animation.to_jshtml())
[docs] def wind_speed_profile_grid(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Creates a grid of plots with the wind profile over the average day. Each subplot represents a different hour of the day. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional Whether to clear the sky range limits or not, by default False Returns ------- None """ # Create grid of plots for each hour n_cols, n_rows = find_two_closest_integers(len(self.env_analysis.hours)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 2, n_rows * 2.2)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols, hspace=0, wspace=0, left=0.12) axs = gs.subplots(sharex=True, sharey=True) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = 0, 0, np.inf, 0 for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: hour = self.env_analysis.hours[i * n_cols + j] ax = axs[i, j] ax.plot(*self.env_analysis.average_wind_speed_profile_by_hour[hour], "r-") ax.set_title(f"{float(hour):05.2f}".replace(".", ":"), y=0.8) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) current_x_max = ax.get_xlim()[1] current_y_min, current_y_max = ax.get_ylim() x_max = current_x_max if current_x_max > x_max else x_max y_max = current_y_max if current_y_max > y_max else y_max y_min = current_y_min if current_y_min < y_min else y_min if self.env_analysis.forecast: forecast = self.env_analysis.forecast y = self.env_analysis.average_wind_speed_profile_by_hour[hour][1] x = forecast[hour].wind_speed.get_value(y) * convert_units( 1, "m/s", self.env_analysis.unit_system["wind_speed"] ) ax.plot(x, y, "b--") ax.label_outer() ax.grid() # Set x and y limits for the last axis. Since axes are shared, set to all ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=5, prune="lower") ) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=4, prune="lower") ) if clear_range_limits: for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: # Clear Sky Range Altitude Limits ax = axs[i, j] ax.fill_between( [x_min, x_max], 0.7 * convert_units( 10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), 1.3 * convert_units( 10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) ax.fill_between( [x_min, x_max], 0.7 * convert_units( 30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), 1.3 * convert_units( 30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) # Set title and axis labels for entire figure fig.suptitle("Average Wind Profile") fig.supxlabel(f"Wind speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") fig.supylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") return None
[docs] def wind_heading_profile_grid(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Creates a grid of plots with the wind heading profile over the average day. Each subplot represents a different hour of the day. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional Whether to clear the sky range limits or not, by default False. This is useful when the launch site is constrained in terms or altitude. Returns ------- None """ # Create grid of plots for each hour n_cols, n_rows = find_two_closest_integers(len(self.env_analysis.hours)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 2, n_rows * 2.2)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols, hspace=0, wspace=0, left=0.12) axs = gs.subplots(sharex=True, sharey=True) _, y_min, y_max = 0, np.inf, 0 for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: hour = self.env_analysis.hours[i * n_cols + j] ax = axs[i, j] ax.plot( *self.env_analysis.average_wind_heading_profile_by_hour[hour], "r-", ) ax.set_title(f"{float(hour):05.2f}".replace(".", ":"), y=0.8) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis="y", tight=True) current_y_min, current_y_max = ax.get_ylim() y_max = current_y_max if current_y_max > y_max else y_max y_min = current_y_min if current_y_min < y_min else y_min ax.label_outer() ax.grid() # Set x and y limits for the last axis. Since axes are shared, set to all ax.set_xlim(0, 360) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=5, prune="lower") ) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mtick.MaxNLocator(integer=True, nbins=4, prune="lower") ) if clear_range_limits: for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(n_rows) for j in range(n_cols)]: # Clear Sky range limits ax = axs[i, j] ax.fill_between( [0, 360], 0.7 * convert_units( 10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), 1.3 * convert_units( 10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) ax.fill_between( [0, 360], 0.7 * convert_units( 30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), 1.3 * convert_units( 30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"] ), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) # Set title and axis labels for entire figure fig.suptitle("Average Wind Heading Profile") fig.supxlabel(f"Wind heading ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['angle']})") fig.supylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") return None
[docs] def animate_wind_speed_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Animation of how wind profile evolves throughout an average day. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional Whether to clear the sky range limits or not, by default False. This is useful when the launch site is constrained in terms or altitude. """ module = import_optional_dependency("IPython.display") HTML = module.HTML # this is a class # Create animation fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) # Initialize animation artists: curve and hour text (ln,) = plt.plot([], [], "r-") tx = plt.text( x=0.95, y=0.95, s="", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=24, ) # Define function to initialize animation def init(): ax.set_xlim(0, self.env_analysis.max_average_wind_speed_at_altitude + 5) ax.set_ylim(*self.env_analysis.altitude_AGL_range) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wind Speed ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['wind_speed']})") ax.set_ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") ax.set_title("Average Wind Profile") ax.grid(True) return ln, tx # Define function which sets each animation frame def update(frame): x = frame[1][0] y = frame[1][1] ln.set_data(x, y) tx.set_text(f"{float(frame[0]):05.2f}".replace(".", ":")) return ln, tx animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=self.env_analysis.average_wind_speed_profile_by_hour.items(), interval=1000, init_func=init, blit=True, ) if clear_range_limits: # Clear sky range limits ax.fill_between( [0, self.env_analysis.max_average_wind_speed_at_altitude + 5], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) ax.fill_between( [0, self.env_analysis.max_average_wind_speed_at_altitude + 5], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) fig.legend(loc="upper right") plt.close(fig) return HTML(animation.to_jshtml())
[docs] def animate_wind_heading_profile(self, clear_range_limits=False): """Animation of how the wind heading profile evolves throughout an average day. Each frame is a different hour of the day. Parameters ---------- clear_range_limits : bool, optional Whether to clear the sky range limits or not, by default False. This is useful when the launch site is constrained in terms or altitude. """ module = import_optional_dependency("IPython.display") HTML = module.HTML # this is a class # Create animation fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) # Initialize animation artists: curve and hour text (ln,) = plt.plot([], [], "r-") tx = plt.text( x=0.95, y=0.95, s="", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=24, ) # Define function to initialize animation def init(): ax.set_xlim(0, 360) ax.set_ylim(*self.env_analysis.altitude_AGL_range) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wind Heading ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['angle']})") ax.set_ylabel(f"Altitude AGL ({self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']})") ax.set_title("Average Wind Heading Profile") ax.grid(True) return ln, tx # Define function which sets each animation frame def update(frame): x = frame[1][0] y = frame[1][1] ln.set_data(x, y) tx.set_text(f"{float(frame[0]):05.2f}".replace(".", ":")) return ln, tx animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=self.env_analysis.average_wind_heading_profile_by_hour.items(), interval=1000, init_func=init, blit=True, ) if clear_range_limits: # Clear sky range limits ax.fill_between( [0, self.env_analysis.max_average_wind_speed_at_altitude + 5], 0.7 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(10000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"10,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) ax.fill_between( [0, self.env_analysis.max_average_wind_speed_at_altitude + 5], 0.7 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), 1.3 * convert_units(30000, "ft", self.env_analysis.unit_system["length"]), color="g", alpha=0.2, label=f"30,000 {self.env_analysis.unit_system['length']} ± 30%", ) fig.legend(loc="upper right") plt.close(fig) return HTML(animation.to_jshtml())
[docs] def all_animations(self): """Plots all the available animations together Returns ------- None""" self.animate_average_wind_rose() self.animate_wind_gust_distribution() self.animate_surface_wind_speed_distribution() self.animate_wind_heading_profile(clear_range_limits=True) self.animate_wind_speed_profile() return None
[docs] def all_plots(self): """Plots all the available plots together, this avoids having animations Returns ------- None """ self.wind_gust_distribution() self.surface10m_wind_speed_distribution() self.average_surface_temperature_evolution() self.average_surface10m_wind_speed_evolution() self.average_surface100m_wind_speed_evolution() self.average_wind_speed_profile() self.average_wind_heading_profile() self.average_pressure_profile() self.average_wind_rose_grid() self.wind_gust_distribution_grid() self.surface_wind_speed_distribution_grid() self.wind_speed_profile_grid() self.wind_heading_profile_grid() return None
[docs] def info(self): """Plots only the most important plots together. This method simply invokes the `wind_gust_distribution`, `average_wind_speed_profile`, `wind_speed_profile_grid` and `wind_heading_profile_grid` methods. Returns ------- None """ self.wind_gust_distribution() self.average_wind_speed_profile() self.wind_speed_profile_grid() self.wind_heading_profile_grid() return None
[docs] def all(self): """Plots all the available plots and animations together. This method simply invokes the `all_plots` and `all_animations` methods. Returns ------- None """ self.all_plots() self.all_animations() return None