Source code for rocketpy.units

import numpy as np

from .mathutils.function import Function

    # Units of length. Meter "m" is the base unit.
    "mm": 1e3,
    "cm": 1e2,
    "dm": 1e1,
    "m": 1,
    "dam": 1e-1,
    "hm": 1e-2,
    "km": 1e-3,
    "ft": 1 / 0.3048,
    "in": 1 / 0.0254,
    "mi": 1 / 1609.344,
    "nmi": 1 / 1852,
    "yd": 1 / 0.9144,
    # Units of velocity. Meter per second "m/s" is the base unit.
    "m/s": 1,
    "km/h": 3.6,
    "knot": 1.9438444924406047,
    "mph": 2.2369362920544023,
    "ft/s": 1 / 0.3048,
    # Units of acceleration. Meter per square second "m/s^2" is the base unit.
    "m/s^2": 1,
    "gs": 1 / 9.80665,
    "ft/s^2": 1 / 3.2808399,
    # Units of pressure. Pascal "Pa" is the base unit.
    "Pa": 1,
    "hPa": 1e-2,
    "kPa": 1e-3,
    "MPa": 1e-6,
    "bar": 1e-5,
    "atm": 1.01325e-5,
    "mmHg": 1 / 133.322,
    "inHg": 1 / 3386.389,
    # Units of time. Seconds "s" is the base unit.
    "s": 1,
    "min": 1 / 60,
    "h": 1 / 3600,
    "d": 1 / 86400,
    # Units of mass. Kilogram "kg" is the base unit.
    "mg": 1e-6,
    "g": 1e-3,
    "kg": 1,
    "lb": 2.20462,
    # Units of angle. Radian "rad" is the base unit.
    "rad": 1,
    "deg": 1 / 180 * np.pi,
    "grad": 1 / 200 * np.pi,

[docs] def conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit): """Returns the conversion factor from one unit to another.""" try: incoming_factor = UNITS_CONVERSION_DICT[to_unit] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unit '{to_unit}' is not supported.") from e try: outgoing_factor = UNITS_CONVERSION_DICT[from_unit] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unit '{from_unit}' is not supported.") from e return incoming_factor / outgoing_factor
[docs] def convert_units_Functions(variable, from_unit, to_unit, axis=1): """See units.convert_units() for documentation.""" # Perform conversion, take special care with temperatures variable_source = variable.get_source() if from_unit in ["K", "degC", "degF"]: variable_source[:, axis] = convert_temperature( variable_source[:, axis], from_unit, to_unit ) else: variable_source[:, axis] *= conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit) # Rename axis labels if axis == 0: variable.__inputs__[0] = variable.__inputs__[0].replace(from_unit, to_unit) elif axis == 1: variable.__outputs__[0] = variable.__outputs__[0].replace(from_unit, to_unit) # Create new Function instance with converted data return Function( source=variable_source, inputs=variable.__inputs__, outputs=variable.__outputs__, interpolation=variable.__interpolation__, extrapolation=variable.__extrapolation__, )
[docs] def convert_temperature(variable, from_unit, to_unit): """See units.convert_units() for documentation.""" if from_unit == to_unit: return variable if from_unit == "K" and to_unit == "degC": return variable - 273.15 if from_unit == "K" and to_unit == "degF": return (variable - 273.15) * 9 / 5 + 32 if from_unit == "degC" and to_unit == "K": return variable + 273.15 if from_unit == "degC" and to_unit == "degF": return variable * 9 / 5 + 32 if from_unit == "degF" and to_unit == "K": return (variable - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15 if from_unit == "degF" and to_unit == "degC": return (variable - 32) * 5 / 9 # Conversion not supported then... raise ValueError( f"Temperature conversion from {from_unit} to {to_unit} is not supported." )
[docs] def convert_units(variable, from_unit, to_unit, axis=1): """Convert units of variable to preferred units. Parameters ---------- variable : int, float, numpy.array, rocketpy.Function Variable to be converted. If Function, specify axis that should be converted. from_unit : string Unit of incoming data. to_unit : string Unit of returned data. axis : int, optional Axis that should be converted. 0 for x axis, 1 for y axis. Only applies if variable is an instance of the Function class. Default is 1, for the y axis. Returns ------- variable : int, float, numpy.array, rocketpy.Function Variable converted from "from_unit" to "to_unit". """ if from_unit == to_unit: # Nothing to convert, same units return variable if isinstance(variable, Function): # Handle Function class return convert_units_Functions(variable, from_unit, to_unit, axis) else: # Handle ints, floats, np.arrays if from_unit in ["K", "degC", "degF"]: return convert_temperature(variable, from_unit, to_unit) else: return variable * conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit)