Valetudo - Projeto Jupiter - 2019#
Valetudo launch from Projeto Jupiter (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Permission to use flight data given by Guilherme Fernandes, 2020
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
%reload_ext autoreload
# Importing libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rocketpy import Environment, Flight, Rocket, SolidMotor
RocketPy Simulation#
Define a dictionary with the inputs for the simulation
parameters = {
# Mass Details
"rocket_mass": (8.257, 0.001),
# Propulsion Details
"impulse": (1415.15, 35.3),
"burn_time": (5.274, 1),
"nozzle_radius": (21.642 / 1000, 0.5 / 1000),
"throat_radius": (8 / 1000, 0.5 / 1000),
"grain_separation": (6 / 1000, 1 / 1000),
"grain_density": (1707, 50),
"grain_outer_radius": (21.4 / 1000, 0.375 / 1000),
"grain_initial_inner_radius": (9.65 / 1000, 0.375 / 1000),
"grain_initial_height": (120 / 1000, 1 / 1000),
# Aerodynamic Details
"inertia_I": (3.675, 0.03675),
"inertia_Z": (0.007, 0.00007),
"radius": (40.45 / 1000, 0.001),
"distance_rocket_nozzle": (-1.024, 0.001),
"distance_rocket_propellant": (-0.571, 0.001),
"power_off_drag": (0.9081 / 1.05, 0.033),
"power_on_drag": (0.9081 / 1.05, 0.033),
"nose_length": (0.274, 0.001),
"nose_distance_to_cm": (1.134, 0.001),
"fin_span": (0.077, 0.0005),
"fin_root_chord": (0.058, 0.0005),
"fin_tip_chord": (0.018, 0.0005),
"fin_distance_to_cm": (-0.906, 0.001),
# Launch and Environment Details
"wind_direction": (0, 2),
"wind_speed": (1, 0.033),
"inclination": (84.7, 1),
"heading": (53, 2),
"rail_length": (5.7, 0.0005),
# Parachute Details
"cd_s_drogue": (0.349 * 1.3, 0.07),
"lag_rec": (1, 0.5),
# Electronic Systems Details
"lag_se": (0.73, 0.16),
Define the Environment
# Environment conditions
env = Environment(
date=(2019, 8, 10, 21),
# env.set_atmospheric_model(
# type="Reanalysis",
# file="../../data/weather/",
# dictionary="ECMWF",
# )
Visualize the Environment
Gravity Details
Acceleration of gravity at surface level: 9.7864 m/s²
Acceleration of gravity at 80.000 km (ASL): 9.5461 m/s²
Launch Site Details
Launch Date: 2019-08-10 21:00:00 UTC
Launch Site Latitude: -23.36361°
Launch Site Longitude: -48.01139°
Reference Datum: SIRGAS2000
Launch Site UTM coordinates: 192123.24 W 7413017.14 S
Launch Site UTM zone: 23K
Launch Site Surface Elevation: 668.0 m
Atmospheric Model Details
Atmospheric Model Type: standard_atmosphere
standard_atmosphere Maximum Height: 80.000 km
Surface Atmospheric Conditions
Surface Wind Speed: 0.00 m/s
Surface Wind Direction: 0.00°
Surface Wind Heading: 0.00°
Surface Pressure: 935.66 hPa
Surface Temperature: 283.82 K
Surface Air Density: 1.148 kg/m³
Surface Speed of Sound: 337.55 m/s
Earth Model Details
Earth Radius at Launch site: 6374.80 km
Semi-major Axis: 6378.14 km
Semi-minor Axis: 6356.75 km
Flattening: 0.0034
Atmospheric Model Plots
Define the SolidMotor
keron = SolidMotor(
dry_inertia=(0, 0, 0),
Nozzle Details
Nozzle Radius: 0.021641999999999998 m
Nozzle Throat Radius: 0.008 m
Grain Details
Number of Grains: 6
Grain Spacing: 0.006 m
Grain Density: 1707 kg/m3
Grain Outer Radius: 0.0214 m
Grain Inner Radius: 0.00965 m
Grain Height: 0.12 m
Grain Volume: 0.000 m3
Grain Mass: 0.235 kg
Motor Details
Total Burning Time: 5.274 s
Total Propellant Mass: 1.409 kg
Average Propellant Exhaust Velocity: 1004.589 m/s
Average Thrust: 268.327 N
Maximum Thrust: 1068.36 N at 1.508 s after ignition.
Total Impulse: 1415.154 Ns
Create the Rocket
valetudo = Rocket(
valetudo.set_rail_buttons(0.224, -0.93, 30)
valetudo.add_motor(motor=keron, position=parameters.get("distance_rocket_nozzle")[0])
Adding aerodynamic surfaces
nose_cone = valetudo.add_nose(
fin_set = valetudo.add_trapezoidal_fins(
Adding Parachute
drogue = valetudo.add_parachute(
noise=(0, 8.3, 0.5),
Modify the Drag Coefficient curve
Inertia Details
Rocket Mass: 8.257 kg (without motor)
Rocket Dry Mass: 8.258 kg (with unloaded motor)
Rocket Loaded Mass: 9.667 kg
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 11: 3.675 kg*m2
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 22: 3.675 kg*m2
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 33: 0.007 kg*m2
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 12: 0.000 kg*m2
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 13: 0.000 kg*m2
Rocket Inertia (with unloaded motor) 23: 0.000 kg*m2
Geometrical Parameters
Rocket Maximum Radius: 0.04045 m
Rocket Frontal Area: 0.005140 m2
Rocket Distances
Rocket Center of Dry Mass - Center of Mass without Motor: 0.000 m
Rocket Center of Dry Mass - Nozzle Exit: 1.024 m
Rocket Center of Dry Mass - Center of Propellant Mass: 0.604 m
Rocket Center of Mass - Rocket Loaded Center of Mass: 0.088 m
Aerodynamics Lift Coefficient Derivatives
Nose Cone Lift Coefficient Derivative: 2.000/rad
Fins Lift Coefficient Derivative: 4.402/rad
Center of Pressure
Nose Cone Center of Pressure position: 1.007 m
Fins Center of Pressure position: -0.933 m
Center of Mass position (time=0): -0.088 m
Center of Pressure position (time=0): -0.327 m
Initial Static Margin (mach=0, time=0): 2.951 c
Final Static Margin (mach=0, time=burn_out): 4.039 c
Rocket Center of Mass (time=0) - Center of Pressure (mach=0): 0.239 m
Parachute Details
Parachute Drogue with a cd_s of 0.4537 m2
Ejection signal trigger: At Apogee
Ejection system refresh rate: 105.000 Hz
Time between ejection signal is triggered and the parachute is fully opened: 1.0 s
test_flight = Flight(
Initial Conditions
Initial time: 0.000 s
Position - x: 0.00 m | y: 0.00 m | z: 668.00 m
Velocity - Vx: 0.00 m/s | Vy: 0.00 m/s | Vz: 0.00 m/s
Attitude (quaternions) - e0: 0.979 | e1: -0.035 | e2: 0.031 | e3: -0.199
Euler Angles - Spin φ : 30.00° | Nutation θ: -5.30° | Precession ψ: -53.00°
Angular Velocity - ω1: 0.00 rad/s | ω2: 0.00 rad/s | ω3: 0.00 rad/s
Initial Stability Margin: 2.951 c
Surface Wind Conditions
Frontal Surface Wind Speed: 0.00 m/s
Lateral Surface Wind Speed: 0.00 m/s
Launch Rail
Launch Rail Length: 5.7 m
Launch Rail Inclination: 84.70°
Launch Rail Heading: 53.00°
Rail Departure State
Rail Departure Time: 1.084 s
Rail Departure Velocity: 22.603 m/s
Rail Departure Stability Margin: 3.146 c
Rail Departure Angle of Attack: -0.000°
Rail Departure Thrust-Weight Ratio: 8.214
Rail Departure Reynolds Number: 1.188e+05
Burn out State
Burn out time: 5.274 s
Altitude at burn out: 1095.599 m (ASL) | 427.599 m (AGL)
Rocket speed at burn out: 94.412 m/s
Freestream velocity at burn out: 94.412 m/s
Mach Number at burn out: 0.281
Kinetic energy at burn out: 3.680e+04 J
Apogee State
Apogee Time: 13.978 s
Apogee Altitude: 1483.260 m (ASL) | 815.260 m (AGL)
Apogee Freestream Speed: 10.750 m/s
Apogee X position: 119.535 m
Apogee Y position: 90.076 m
Apogee latitude: -23.3628014°
Apogee longitude: -48.0102187°
Parachute Events
Parachute: Drogue
Ejection time: 13.981 s
Inflation time: 14.981 s
Freestream speed at inflation: 14.245 m/s
Altitude at inflation: 1478.430 m (ASL) | 815.260 m (AGL)
Impact Conditions
Time of impact: 61.671 s
X impact: 177.906 m
Y impact: 134.062 m
Altitude impact: 668.000 m (ASL) | -0.000 m (AGL)
Latitude: -23.3624061°
Longitude: -48.0096472°
Vertical velocity at impact: -17.666 m/s
Number of parachutes triggered until impact: 1
Stability Margin
Initial Stability Margin: 2.951 c at 0.00 s
Out of Rail Stability Margin: 3.146 c at 1.08 s
Maximum Stability Margin: 4.202 c at 3.25 s
Minimum Stability Margin: 2.951 c at 0.00 s
Maximum Values
Maximum Speed: 124.036 m/s at 2.59 s
Maximum Mach Number: 0.368 Mach at 2.59 s
Maximum Reynolds Number: 6.453e+05 at 2.59 s
Maximum Dynamic Pressure: 8.720e+03 Pa at 2.59 s
Maximum Acceleration During Motor Burn: 108.108 m/s² at 1.60 s
Maximum Gs During Motor Burn: 11.024 g at 1.60 s
Maximum Acceleration After Motor Burn: 0.000 m/s² at 0.00 s
Maximum Gs After Motor Burn: 0.000 Gs at 0.00 s
Maximum Stability Margin: 4.202 c at 3.25 s
Maximum Upper Rail Button Normal Force: 0.000 N
Maximum Upper Rail Button Shear Force: 0.000 N
Maximum Lower Rail Button Normal Force: 0.000 N
Maximum Lower Rail Button Shear Force: 0.000 N
Numerical Integration Settings
Maximum Allowed Flight Time: 600.00 s
Maximum Allowed Time Step: inf s
Minimum Allowed Time Step: 0.00e+00 s
Relative Error Tolerance: 1e-06
Absolute Error Tolerance: [0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1e-06, 1e-06, 1e-06, 1e-06, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001]
Allow Event Overshoot: True
Terminate Simulation on Apogee: False
Number of Time Steps Used: 398
Number of Derivative Functions Evaluation: 85
Average Function Evaluations per Time Step: 0.214
Comparison with the real flight data#
# The flight recordings were lost after the launch. Only three useful information were recovered:
# - The apogee altitude (AGL): 860 m
# - East/West drift: 350 m
# - North/South drift: 25 m
# - Total drift: 350.9 m
actual_data = {
"apogee": 860,
"east_west_drift": 350,
"north_south_drift": 25,
"total_drift": 350.9,
simulated = {
"apogee": test_flight.apogee - test_flight.env.elevation,
"east_west_drift": test_flight.x(test_flight.t_final),
"north_south_drift": test_flight.y(test_flight.t_final),
"total_drift": test_flight.drift(test_flight.t_final),
apogee_actual = actual_data.get("apogee")
apogee_simulated = simulated.get("apogee")
apogee_error = abs(apogee_actual - apogee_simulated)
apogee_percentage_error = apogee_error / apogee_actual * 100
print("Apogee (AGL): ")
print(f"Actual: {apogee_actual:.2f} m")
print(f"Simulated: {apogee_simulated:.2f} m")
print(f"Error: {apogee_error:.2f} m")
print(f"Percentage Error: {apogee_percentage_error:.2f}%")
Apogee (AGL):
Actual: 860.00 m
Simulated: 815.26 m
Error: 44.74 m
Percentage Error: 5.20%
drift_actual = actual_data.get("total_drift")
drift_simulated = simulated.get("total_drift")
drift_error = abs(drift_actual - drift_simulated)
drift_percentage_error = drift_error / drift_actual * 100
# print("Drift")
# print(f"Actual: {drift_actual:.2f} m")
# print(f"Simulated: {drift_simulated:.2f} m")
# print(f"Error: {drift_error:.2f} m")
# print(f"Percentage Error: {drift_percentage_error:.2f}%")