Rocket Plots Class#

class rocketpy.plots.rocket_plots._RocketPlots[source]#

Class that holds plot methods for Rocket class.


_RocketPlots.rocket (Rocket) – Rocket object that will be used for the plots.


Initializes _RocketPlots class.


rocket (Rocket) – Instance of the Rocket class

Return type:



Plots total mass of the rocket as a function of time.

Return type:



Plots reduced mass of the rocket as a function of time.

Return type:


static_margin(*, filename=None)[source]#

Plots static margin of the rocket as a function of time.


filename (str | None, optional) – The path the plot should be saved to. By default None, in which case the plot will be shown instead of saved. Supported file endings are: eps, jpg, jpeg, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, tif, tiff and webp (these are the formats supported by matplotlib).

Return type:



Plots static margin of the rocket as a function of time.

Return type:



Plots power on drag of the rocket as a function of time.

Return type:



Plots power off drag of the rocket as a function of time.

Return type:


drag_curves(*, filename=None)[source]#

Plots power off and on drag curves of the rocket as a function of time.


filename (str | None, optional) – The path the plot should be saved to. By default None, in which case the plot will be shown instead of saved. Supported file endings are: eps, jpg, jpeg, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, tif, tiff and webp (these are the formats supported by matplotlib).

Return type:



Plots the motor thrust force divided by rocket weight as a function of time.

draw(vis_args=None, plane='xz', *, filename=None)[source]#

Draws the rocket in a matplotlib figure.

  • vis_args (dict, optional) –

    Determines the visual aspects when drawing the rocket. If None, default values are used. Default values are:

        "background": "#EEEEEE",
        "tail": "black",
        "nose": "black",
        "body": "black",
        "fins": "black",
        "motor": "black",
        "buttons": "black",
        "line_width": 2.0,

    A full list of color names can be found at:

  • plane (str, optional) – Plane in which the rocket will be drawn. Default is ‘xz’. Other options is ‘yz’. Used only for sensors representation.

  • filename (str | None, optional) – The path the plot should be saved to. By default None, in which case the plot will be shown instead of saved. Supported file endings are: eps, jpg, jpeg, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, tif, tiff and webp (these are the formats supported by matplotlib).

_draw_aerodynamic_surfaces(ax, vis_args, plane)[source]#

Draws the aerodynamic surfaces and saves the position of the points of interest for the tubes.

_draw_nose_cone(ax, surface, position, drawn_surfaces, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the nosecone and saves the position of the points of interest for the tubes.

_draw_tail(ax, surface, position, drawn_surfaces, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the tail and saves the position of the points of interest for the tubes.

_draw_fins(ax, surface, position, drawn_surfaces, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the fins and saves the position of the points of interest for the tubes.

_draw_generic_surface(ax, surface, position, drawn_surfaces, vis_args, plane)[source]#

Draws the generic surface and saves the position of the points of interest for the tubes.

_draw_tubes(ax, drawn_surfaces, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the tubes between the aerodynamic surfaces.

_draw_motor(last_radius, last_x, ax, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the motor from motor patches

_generate_motor_patches(total_csys, ax)[source]#

Generates motor patches for drawing

_draw_nozzle_tube(last_radius, last_x, nozzle_position, ax, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the tube from the last surface to the nozzle position.

_draw_rail_buttons(ax, vis_args)[source]#

Draws the rail buttons of the rocket.


Draws the center of mass and center of pressure of the rocket.

_draw_sensors(ax, sensors, plane)[source]#

Draw the sensor as a small thick line at the position of the sensor, with a vector pointing in the direction normal of the sensor. Get the normal vector from the sensor orientation matrix.


Prints out all graphs available about the Rocket. It simply calls all the other plotter methods in this class.

Return type:
